“Portrait of native American woman in front of teepee”
Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views, MFY Dennis Coll 90-F394
The next symposium in the AlterKnowledge discussion series focusses on the Misrepresentations of Indigenous Peoples.
The second annual AlterKnowledge Discussion Series brings together faculty and students affiliated with the Cultural Studies program at UBC’s Okanagan campus, as well as members of the Kelowna community to foster discussions about topics related to Culture, Power, and Identity.
Facilitated by Gregory Younging (UBCO, Indigenous Studies) and Kelly Mitton (UBCO, English MA student), the Oct. 26th symposium features film screenings, presentations, and open discussions on the misrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples. The free events are held at the Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, located in the Rotary Centre for the Arts, 421 Cawston Ave., downtown Kelowna.
Negative images of Indigenous Peoples serve to justify the subjugation of Indigenous institutions and territories. These misrepresentations take many forms and range from “savages, pagans and infidels” in the early colonial period, to “inferiors in need of state subjugation and protection” in the mid-colonial period, to “corrupt beneficiaries of state funding” in the later colonial period.
AlterKnowledge provides a venue for so-called “alternative” knowledge to be shared and valued, and for dominant systems of “knowledge” to be altered. The Discussion Series aims to foster community-based knowledge-making, bringing people together to discuss, share, and (un)learn.
The AlterKnowledge Discussion Series is organized by Allison Hargreaves and David Jefferess in collaboration with the Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art.
For more information about the Alterknowledge Discussion Series visit the web page for more information.
2013-14 AlterKnowledge schedule of events:
• Friday, Sept. 6 | Truth and Reconciliation: At the BC National Event and in the Okanagan
• Saturday, Oct. 26 | Symposium on Misrepresentations of Indigenous peoples
• Friday, Nov. 22, 7-8:30 pm | Reconciliation as Land, Ecology, and Health
• Friday, Dec. 13, 7-8:30 pm | Do they know it’s Christmas? The Question of Global Poverty
• Friday, Jan. 10, 7-8:30 pm | What does it mean to be a global citizen?
• Friday, Feb. 14, 7-8:30 pm | Reconciliation as Gender Justice
• Friday, March 14, 7-8:30 pm | Schooling the World: The White Man’s Last Burden
• Friday, April 11, 7-8:30 pm | Reconciliation as Revitalization in Language, Literature, and Art
• Friday, May 9, 7-8:30 pm | Imagining Kelowna’s History (and Present)