Undergraduate Programs

Study what you love. Succeed in what you study. The rest will follow.

Why study the Humanities or Fine Arts today?

People who study things like English, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Art History, Languages, or the Fine Arts learn how to think creatively and critically. People who explore the humanities learn how to think insightfully about pretty much everything, which is one reason why they are in high demand by employers in so many fields. If reading, writing, and the arts are your passion, that is the ultimate reason for taking this path.

We are proud to offer innovative experiential learning opportunities that transform our students into global citizens who make positive contributions to communities close to home and farther afield. Our students become proficient in building bridges of understanding and mutual development across the world.

Degree Programs & Study Options

FCCS offers undergraduate programs leading to Bachelor of Arts degrees, a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Media Studies. Students can complete a major, minor or combined major in the following programs:

The Faculty also offers more study options in which students can take courses in any of these areas as electives to complement their degree, and in some cases add a minor to the degree they are pursuing.

Students who wish to pursue a general liberal studies program can complete a Bachelor of Arts Degree in General Studies. FCCS also supports the Environmental Humanities Concentration in the Bachelor of Sustainability Degree.

Forms and Resources

We have provided a number of forms, guidelines and helpful links for our students as they progress through their degrees.

Plan Your Degree

Find out more about courses and degree requirements for declaring your major or minor for your chosen program.

Student Advising

We are here to help. Our knowledgeable faculty members also work as program coordinators, advising and mentoring for prospective and current undergraduate students. Academic advisors and program coordinators can explain the academic requirements for our undergraduate programs, and give practical advise on your degree progression.

If you have any questions about a specific program, please contact the appropriate coordinator or academic advisor, or contact us at FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca.

Program Coordinators and Subject Area Advisors

Program or Subject Area Contact   Email
Art History and Visual Culture Hussein Keshani hussein.keshani@ubc.ca
Communications & Rhetoric Anita Chaudhuri anita.chaudhuri@ubc.ca
Creative Writing Anne Fleming anne.fleming@ubc.ca
Cultural Studies David Jefferess david.jefferess@ubc.ca
Digital Arts & Humanities Daniel Keyes daniel.keyes@ubc.ca
English Robert Eggleston robert.eggleston@ubc.ca
French Stephanie Tolman stephanie.tolman@ubc.ca
German Martin Blum martin.blum@ubc.ca
Interdisciplinary Performance/Theatre Denise Kenney denise.kenney@ubc.ca
Japanese Nina Langton nina.langton@ubc.ca
Languages Ramine Adl ramine.adl@ubc.ca
Media Studies Annie Wan bms.ok@ubc.ca
Spanish Monica Good monica.good@ubc.ca
Visual Arts Myron Campbell myron.campbell@ubc.ca
World Literatures Francisco Peña francisco.pena@ubc.ca

In FCCS, we have a dedicated academic and career advisor for the programs and degrees that we offer.

Jessica Beck
Academic and Career Advising, UNC 207
250.807.9214 or 1.866.596.0767

The Academic and Career Advising office also has a number of knowledgeable and helpful staff to assist you with all of your questions about your degree.

Academic Advising