
[Re]visions installation shot

[Re]visions installation shot

What: [Re]visions
Who: Laura Widmer (BFA alumna)
Where: FINA Gallery, CCS building
When: exhibition runs Sept. 19-30, closing reception, Friday Sept. 30, 4:00pm

Currently in the FINA Gallery (running from September 19th to the 30th) is an exhibition entitled [Re]visions by former UBCO BFA graduate Laura Widmer. Always an extremely dedicated artist Laura graduated from the BFA program in 2012 and has since continued her successful studio practice by putting together a printmaking and paper making studio at her home.

Laura has participated in many juried International Printmaking Biennials and exhibitions and has had a number of solo and small group exhibitions throughout Western Canada. Her work has twice been shortlisted for the Open Studio National Printmaking Awards in Toronto (winning first prize in 2010 as a second year BFA student). She has also received the Muskat Award at the Boston Printmakers Biennial in 2011 (the Biennial and awards were juried by famed American artist Jim Dine), as well as the Anna Eglitis Award for Printmaking at the InkMasters Print Exhibition in Cairns, Australia in 2016.

[Re]visions is an exhibition comprised of a series of large scale linocut prints and small, poetry-based paper works. Of the linocut prints Calgary-based writer Gina Freeman suggests that they present “glimpses of a shifting, sensual world. Heads, hands and torsos are cropped, abstracted. Strings of pearls are grasped tightly and held dear, freely offered and willingly accepted, tangled about throats and fingers, and draped lovingly around shoulders. The exact nature of the moment remains enigmatic.” The collection of works alter the ambience of the FINA gallery creating a mood of calm, sensual contemplation.

There will be a closing reception for [Re]visions at 4:00 on Friday, September 30th. The artist will be in attendance.

Laura Widmer, Tide, linocut on handmade paper, 2015, 22 x 30"

Laura Widmer, Tide, linocut on handmade paper

Briar Craig, It Will Be Clear Soon, it  ultra-violet screen print, 2015, 29 x 42"

Briar Craig, It Will Be Clear Soon, ultra-violet screenprint


Currently, Laura and Briar Craig (Professor of Printmaking in FCCS) have work in an exhibition entitled, Stand Out Prints held at Highpoint Center for Printmaking in Minneapolis, Minnesota from September 16 to October 15, 2016. Stand Out Prints is the second international juried print exhibition of 72 prints and objects (by 64 artists across four countries and 27 states) that were selected from more than 800 submissions through an international call. Both Laura and Briar were given awards for their work in the exhibition, Laura received the Juror Award, and Briar received the Stand out Prize.