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Diana Carter, PhD
(She, Hers, Her / ella)Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, Languages and World Literatures, Spanish
Other Titles: Associate Professor of Teaching, SpanishOffice: CCS 323B
Phone: 250.807.9872
Email: diana.carter@ubc.ca
Research Summary
Sociolinguistics; language, gender identity and education; corpus linguistics; bilingual code-switching.
Courses & Teaching
Beginners’ Spanish I and II, Advanced Beginners’ Spanish I and II, Intermediate Spanish I and II, The Sounds of Spanish, Spanish & English in Contrast, and History of the Spanish Language.
Diana Carter an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of Languages and World Literatures at UBCO where she teaches courses on Spanish language and linguistics. She is also the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in FCCS, and was a UBCO Senator from 2014-2020.
PhD Spanish Linguistics, University of Ottawa.
MA Hispanic Studies, University of Western Ontario.
BA European Studies, University of Guelph, Specialization in Culture and Civilizations; Spanish and Italian. 4th year abroad, La Universidad de La Rioja, Spain.
Research Interests & Projects
Diana is the lead researcher in the project Gender Neutral and Inclusive Language Use in Spanish, which aims to answer the following question: How do we work with gender in a grammatically gendered language, such as Spanish, and remain inclusive of everyone’s gender identity? The ultimate goal of the project is to support equality and diversity through the development of resources that address the issue of gender-neutral and inclusive language for Spanish speakers, learners and educators.
She was previously involved in several collaborations with colleagues from the Bilingualism Research Centre in Wales, the Max Planck Institute and Radboud University in the Netherlands. These research projects examined codeswitching patterns in digital bilingual speech corpora for the following language pairs: Welsh-English, Spanish-English, and Welsh-Spanish.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Carter, D., George, A., & Langevin, F. (2024). Creating a gender-inclusive learning environment in Spanish language classrooms. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(2).
Bijos, A., Carter, D., Mohan, D. (2020). MindTap. For A. C. Jarvis, R. Lebredo, F. Mena-Ayllón, M. Rowinsky-Geurts, & R. L. Stewart, ¡Hola, amigos! (4th Canadian edition). Nelson. Cengage MindTap
Broersma, M., Carter, D., Donnelly, K., & Konopka, A. (2019). Triggered codeswitching: Lexical processing and conversational dynamics. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-14.
Carter, D., Broersma, M., Donnelly, K., & Konopka, A. (2017). Presenting the Bangor Autoglosser and the Bangor Automated Clause-Splitter. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2017: 1-8. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqw065
Broersma, M., Carter, D., & Acheson, D. (2016). Cognate costs in bilingual speech production: Evidence from language switching. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences. 7:1461. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01461
Carter, D., Broersma, M., & Donnelly, K. (2016). Applying computing innovations to bilingual corpus analysis. In A. Alba de la Fuente, E. Valenzuela, & C. Martínez-Sanz (Eds.), Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters: Studies in honour of Juana M. Liceras. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (pp. 281-301).
Deuchar, M., Davies, P., Herring, J., Parafita Couto, M.C., & Carter, D. (2014). Building bilingual corpora. In E.Thomas, & I. Mennen (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Bilingualism (pp.93-110). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Parafita Couto, M.C., Davies, P., Carter, D., & Deuchar, M. (2014). Factors influencing codeswitching. In E.Thomas, & I. Mennen (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Bilingualism (pp.111-138). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Carter, D., Deuchar, M., Davies, P., & Parafita Couto, M. C. (2011). A systematic comparison of factors affecting the choice of matrix language in three bilingual communities. Journal of Language Contact 4(2): 153-183.
Parafita Couto, M. C., Carter, D., Davies, P., & Deuchar, M. (2011). Factors determining code-switching patterns in Spanish-English and Welsh-English bilingual communities. In Las Actas del XXVIII Congreso Internacional de AESLA, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada.
Carter, D., Parafita Couto, M.C., Davies, P., & Deuchar, M. (2010). A corpus-based analysis of codeswitching patterns in bilingual communities. Revista Española de Lingüística.
Carter, D. (2009). A cross-linguistic study of the role of conceptual cues in the primary acquisition of mass nouns in Spanish and English. In Las Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AESLA, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. 551-556.
Liceras, J. & Carter, D. (2009). La Adquisición del Léxico. In E. de Miguel (Ed.), Panorama de la Lexicología (pp.371-404). Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
Selected Presentations
Langevin, F., George, A., & Carter, D. (August, 2024). Insights and feedback form teachers on the adoption of gender neutral and inclusive language in the classroom. Lavender Languages and Linguistics 30. Brighton, England.
Carter, D., Díaz Colmenares, Y., George, A., & Langevin, F. (May, 2023). The Making-Of the Inclusive Language Twitter Corpus. 2nd International Conference on Digital Linguistics. Alicante, Spain.
George, A., Carter, D., & Langevin, F. (March, 2023). Gender-neutral language practices in Spanish: Usage and acceptability. Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference 29. Boise, Idaho, USA.
Carter, D., George, A., & Langevin, F. (May, 2022). Elle, ellx, and ell@: Spanish gender inclusive neopronouns and suffixes of the future. Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference 28. Catania, Italy.
Carter, D., George, A., & Langevin, F. (May, 2022). Gender neutral and inclusive language use in the Spanish classroom: a needs-analysis in British Columbia and Alberta. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Virtual: Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Carter, D., & Benjamin, E. (Feb, 2022). Invited plenary talk: Elle, ellx, ell@ and ell: Spanish gender inclusive neopronouns and suffixes of the future. UBC’s Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. Vancouver/Virtual.
Carter, D., Konopka, A., Donnelly, K., & Broersma, M. (June, 2019). Cognate-triggered codeswitching in Welsh-English conversations. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12. Edmonton: The University of Alberta.
Carter, D., Broersma, M., Donnelly, K., & Knopka, A. (Aug, 2014). Corpus evidence of the triggering effect of cognates on codeswitching from Welsh-English bilinguals. Language Contact: The State of the Art. Helsinki, Finland.
Carter, D., Donnelly, K., & Broersma, M. (Jan, 2013). Automating the analysis of large bilingual corpora. American Association of Corpus Linguistics Conference. San Diego, USA.
Broersma, M., & Carter, D. (2011). Triggered codeswitching: Evidence from Welsh-English and Dutch-English bilinguals. International Symposium of Bilingualism 8. Oslo, Norway.
Deuchar, M., Carter, D., Davies, P., & Parafita Couto, M. C. (2011). Welsh, English and Spanish in contact: accounting for code-switching. International Symposium of Bilingualism 8. Oslo, Norway.
Carter, D., Parafita Couto, M. C., Davies, P., Deuchar, M., & Prys, M. (2010). What accounts for the choice of matrix language by bilinguals? Evidence from three communities. Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies. Hamburg, Germany.
Parafita Couto, M. C., Davies, P., Carter, D., & Deuchar, M. (2010). Factors determining the choice of matrix language by bilinguals in Wales and Miami: two contrasting communities. XXXIX Simposio Internacional de la SEL. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Carter, D., Parafita Couto, M. C., Davies, P., & Deuchar, M. (2010). Factors determining code-switching patterns in Spanish-English, Welsh-English and Spanish-Welsh bilingual communities. XXVIII AESLA Conference: Describing Variation. Vigo, Spain: Universidade de Vigo.
Carter, D. (2009). A cross-linguistic study of the role of conceptual cues in the primary acquisition of mass nouns in Spanish and English. XXVII AESLA Conference: Ways and Modes of Human Communication. Ciudad Real, Spain: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Carter, D. (2008). The role of the L1 in the acquisition of the mass-count distinction in Spanish. The Fourth Quebec-Ontario Dialogues of the Acquisition of Spanish. Montreal: L’Université de Montréal.
Carter, D. (2007). Mass Nouns in L2 English and L2 Spanish: an experimental study. Ontario Dialogues of the Acquisition of Spanish. Ottawa: University of Ottawa.
Carter, D. (2006). On the acquisition of mass nouns in Spanish and English: a conceptual distinction. Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. London: University of Western Ontario.
Carter, D. (2003). A Tense Distortion: variation in the use of the present perfect in Spain. 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference: On Distortion. London: Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Western Ontario.
Carter, D. (2003). Illusion of a Grammatical Norm: variation in the use of the present perfect in Spain. Levy-Wasteney’s Annual Graduate Symposium: Questioning Illusions. Toronto: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto.
Carter, D. (2003). A Tense Distortion: variation in use of the present perfect, based on the Altas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica. Niagara Linguistic Symposium IV: Synchrony and Diachrony. Toronto: Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.