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Grisel Garcia-Perez, PhD
Associate Professor Emerita
Languages and World Literatures, Spanish
Email: grisel.garcia-perez@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Second/foreign language teaching and learning; e-learning, speech analysis, text analysis; intercultural communication and intercultural awareness.
Grisel taught languages for 43 years and still says that she genuinely enjoys what she does. She considers teaching to be a privileged position which allows her constant learning with humility, respect, and love. She also enriches her teaching practice by reading, attending conferences, talking to peers and paying close attention to students’ feedback. Through these processes, she continually refines her teaching practices and grows as a teacher.
Bachelor of Education, Masters of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, DELE accreditation for A1, A2, A1 scholar, B1, B2, C1 and C2, Intercultural Development Inventory administrator.
Research Interests & Projects
Her primary research interest is in the area of second/foreign language teaching and learning. Within this area, she has carried out investigations on speech analysis, text analysis, experiential learning and most recently on intercultural communication. At present she is investigating how intercultural communication competencies can be developed through online teaching.
Selected Publications & Presentations
García-Pérez, G. and Rojas-Primus, C. (Editors). Promoting Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education, IGI Global, 2017.
Book Chapters
García-Pérez , G. “Mentoring teacher assistants to use online tools” in Preparing Foreign Language Teachers for the Next-Generation Education, edited by Chin-Hsi Lin, Dongbo Zhang and Binbin Zheng, IGI Global, 2017.
Fernández, T., García-Pérez, G and Santiago, J. “A Language Exchange Program: Sustainability Innovation in Language and Culture Engagement”, Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI, 2014, 12(2), pp. 8-12. Journal of Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics
García-Pérez, G., Ragoonaden, K. and Campbell, R . “English Language Learners and Intercultural Competence”. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 2014, 4(1) pp. 39-48 The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education
Conference proceedings
García-Pérez, G., Blum, M., Kriscautzky, M. and Sánchez González, A. “Promoting Virtual Exchanges through Telecollaboration”. Proceedings of INTED2018: 12th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, March, 2018.
García-Pérez, G. “Markedness as a means to predict interlanguage development.” Published by the International Association of Technology, Education and Development, Valencia, Spain, 2013. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. ISBN: 978-84-616-2661-8.
Selected Grants & Awards
Transfer Innovation Project, Adjudicating agency: BCCAT, 2018
Awards & Distinctions
Community Engagement Award, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, 2014
Teaching Honor Roll, 2014-2015
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
TEAL (Teaching English as an Additional Language)
SCOLA (Standing Committee of Language Articulation)
CAAL (Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics)
MLA (Modern Languages Association)
CALACS (Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies)
EJEL (Electronic Journal of e-learning)
Graduate Supervisions
Supervisor: Ph. D student Terri Everest. (2012-present) Research involves comparing frequency of verbs and related noun phrases (verb-noun collocations, VNCs) in two cover letter corpora created by the PhD candidate from 1) Canadian immigrants (learners) in English programs throughout BC; 2) native English speakers (NES) in BC. The student is writing the thesis at the moment.
Co-supervisor: Master’s thesis entitled “DEVELOPING READING STRATEGIES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: MEDICINE AND NURSING”, Melanie Vanessa Lara Sima from the Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico. Completed in June, 2017.
Co-supervisor: Master’s thesis entitled SPANISH SPEAKERS’ PERCEPTION AND PRODUCTION OF FOUR ENGLISH FRICATIVE CONSONANTS IN AN EFL CONTEXT, Sandy Amairani Chi Blanco from the Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico, Completed in June 2016.