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Laisha Rosnau
Sessional Lecturer
Creative Studies, Creative Writing
Other Titles: Creative WritingOffice: CCS 338
Phone: 250.807.8507
Email: larosnau@exchange.ubc.ca

Research Summary
Creative Writing; Gender, domesticity and subversion of gendered expectation;, response and resistance to sexual abuse and exploitation; relationships with place and landscape, and notions of home, leaving-taking and return; form and structure in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.
Courses & Teaching
CRWR 150: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction and Poetry; CRWR 160: Introduction to Fiction and Drama; CRWR 216: Intermediate Poetry Workshop; CRWR 217: Intermediate Fiction Workshop CRWR 380: Writing of the Short Story; 471 Writing of the Novel
Laisha Rosnau is an award-winning poet and novelist. She is the author of the forthcoming novel, Little Fortress (Wolsak & Wynn, 2019), the best-selling novel, The Sudden Weight of Snow (McClelland & Stewart, 2002), and four critically acclaimed, award-winning collections of poetry, most recently Our Familiar Hunger (Nightwood, 2018). Her work has been nominated for several awards, including the Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award, the Pat Lowther Award, three times for the CBC Poetry Prize, and has won the Blue Heron Poetry Prize and the Acorn-Plantos Poetry Award. Rosnau’s work has been published across Canada, in the US, UK, and Australia. Rosnau lives in Coldstream, BC, where she and her family are resident caretakers of Bishop Wild Bird Sanctuary.
Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2000, Bachelor of Arts, Honours English, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 1996
Research Interests & Projects
Subjects to which I return in my work are notions of gender, domesticity and subversion of gendered expectations, response and resistance to sexual abuse and exploitation, relationships with place and landscape, and notions of home, leaving-taking and return. I am fascinated by form and structure in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, and I’m drawn to the mutually enriching process of collaboration between artists and genres. New research areas include narrative therapy, and the role of narrative forms in written and oral story-telling and how these may affect mental health and resiliency.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Little Fortress, novel, Wolsak & Wynn, September 2019
Our Familiar Hunger, poetry, Nightwood Editions, April 2018
Pluck, poetry, Nightwood Editions, March 2014
Lousy Explorers, poetry, Nightwood Editions, April 2009
Notes on Leaving, poetry, Nightwood Editions, March 2004
The Sudden Weight of Snow, novel,McClelland & Stewart, 2002
This Glossy Animal, Baseline Press, November 2013
getaway girl, Greenboathouse Books, March 2002
Selected Anthologies
“Keeping Time” in GUSH: a menstrual manifesto for our times, Frontenac House, Winnipeg Manitoba, May 2018
“Two or more stories: a split ghazal” (three poems) in Naked in Academe: Celebrating 50 Years of Creative Writing at UBC, McClelland & Stewart/Random House of Canada, Toronto, ON, February 2014
“Pinhole Camera: : Postwar Prairie,” “Migratory Paths,” “Fissure & Flood,” and “Strung” in Force Field: 77 Women Poets of British Columbia, Mother Tongue Publishing, Salt Spring Island, BC, April 2013
“A New Kind of Fire,” “Bolt,” “Hard-Won,” “Play-off Season,” and “Frame” in Unfurled: Collected Poetry of Northern BC Women, Cailtin Press, Prince George, BC, March 2010
“He Was the Number 14” in Verse Map of Vancouver, Anvil Press, Vancouver, BC, March 2009
“I’ve Got You: August 1981” in Rocksalt: An Anthology of Contemporary BC Poetry, Mothertongue Publishing, Salt Spring Island, BC, October 2008
“Beg and Choose” in White Ink: Poems on Mothers and Motherhood, Demeter Press, Toronto, ON (York University), 2007
“Point of Exit,” “”On the Ground,” “Central Standard,” and “The Girls are Sleeping” in Breathing Fire
II: Canada’s New Poets, Nightwood Editions, Roberts Creek, BC, October, 2004
Selected Periodicals
“Chaff” in PRSIM international volume 55.3, Vancouver, BC, Spring 2017
“Trade Beads,” “The Prairie,” “Dear Sister,” and “To Be Known” in Antigonish Review volume, Antigonish, NS, Fall 2016
“Pipeline” in Arc volume 81, special issue on End Times, Ottawa, Ontario, October 2016
“Top Reasons Women Check In to Psych Wards” in PRISM international volume 55.1, Vancouver, BC, Fall 2016
“Someone Else’s North” and “We Were Reasoning Wildly” in Arc volume 73, special volume on North, Ottawa, Ontario, November 2013
“The Current,” “Migratory Paths,” “Joan,” and “Okay, here” in The Geographical Review volume 103.2, Special Volume on Creative Geographies, Brooklyn, NY, April 2013
“That Feeling” in Canadian Literature volume 216, Vancouver, BC, Spring 2013
“Music Box Dancer” in Event volume 41.3, New Westminster, BC, Spring 2013
“Bite Marks,” “November,” and “Shame Revisited” in PRISM international volume 51.2, Winter 2013
“Varanasi” and “Way Back” in Grain volume 40.2, Saskatoon, SK, Winter 2012
“Century 21,” Sister Life,” and “Proof” in Event volume 38.1, New Westminster, BC, Spring/Summer 2009
“If Thunder is Anything” in Malahat Review volume 166, Victoria, BC, Spring 2009
“Moving Day” in The New Quarterly volume 110, Waterloo, ON, Spring 2009
“Lousy Explorers” and “Insomnia and the Imaginary New Englander” in Poetry London volume 56, London, UK, Summer 2007
“Look at Us: 1972” and “Look at Us: 2007” in Room volume 31.4, Vancouver, BC, Winter 2008
“Habitat” and “Crisis” in Borderlines volume 29, Powis, Wales, UK, Winter 2007
“How they miss the famous steps in Odessa” in Overland volume 187, Melbourne, Australia, Winter 2006
Selected Grants & Awards
2018 BC Council for the Arts, Grants to Professional Writers, Fiction
2016 Canada Council for the Arts, Grants to Professional Writers, Poetry
2012 Canada Council for the Arts, Grants to Professional Writers, Fiction
2010 BC Arts Council, Grants to Professional Writers, Fiction
2006 Canada Council of the Arts, Grants to Professional Writers, Poetry
2003 Canada Council for the Arts, Project Grant for Creative Writers, Fiction
2003 British Columbia Arts Council for the Arts, Project Assistance for Creative Writers, Poetry
Awards & Distinctions
2017 Pacific Spirit Poetry Prize, PRISM International; Second runner-up for “Chaff”
2016 Blue Heron Poetry Prize, Antigonish Review; First Prize for “Dear Sister”
Room Poetry Prize; Shortlist for “As Gentle as Our Damage
2015 Raymond Souster Award; short-list for Pluck
CBC Poetry Prize; long-list for “Chaff”
2014 Open Season Fiction Contest, Malahat Review; short-list for “Prophet River”
2013 CBC Poetry Prize; long-list for “Two Girls”
2012 Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize, Moth Magazine, Cavan, Ireland; long-list
for “Music Class” (24 poets on international long-list)
2010 Pat Lowther Memorial Award; short-listed for Lousy Explorers
Re-Lit Award; long-listed for Lousy Explorers
2008 CBC Poetry Prize; long-list for “Look at Us”
2005 Acorn-Plantos People’s Poetry Award; Winner for Notes on Leaving
Re-Lit Award, long-listed for Notes on Leaving
2004 CBC Poetry Prize; long-list for “Lousy Explorers”
2003 Amazon.ca/Books in Canada First Novel Award; honourable mention for The Sudden Weight of Snow