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Monica Carolina Good, PhD
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Languages and World Literatures, Spanish
Office: CCS 367Phone: 250.807.8503
Email: monica.good@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Spanish Culture and Literature; Indigenous literature; Indigenous language reclamation and revitalization (specifically for the case of Mexico); Indigenous peoples rights to court interpretation (Case of Oaxaca).
Courses & Teaching
Beginner level Spanish 101 and 102, Intermediate level Spanish 202
Bachelor of Arts, Modern Languages, Emporia State University. 2009, Masters of Fine Arts, Spanish-American Literature and Linguistics, New Mexico State University. 2012, Ph.D. UBCO Interdisciplinary studies, 2019
Selected Publications & Presentations
Morales Good, Monica. “Bridging Gaps: Intercultural Education as a Tool for Indigenous Language Revitalization.” Submitted
Good, Monica Morales, and Natalia P. Gallo. “Oaxaca’s Earthquake and A Kelowna Effort.” The Global Spectrum, IDP Blogs, 19 Jan. 2018, www.theglobalspectrum.org/idp-blogs-2018- 2019/2018/1/19/oaxacas-earthquake-and-a-kelowna-effort.
Morales Good, Monica. “Knowledge and Practices in Conflict. Indigenous Voice and Oral Traditions in the Legal System.” Looking Back and Living Forward. Indigenous Research Rising Up, Brill/Sense, 2018, pp. 123-131
Morales Good, Monica. “We Are Much More Than What We Eat.” Destiempos. Revista De Curiosidad Cultural. September 1, 2017: 62-72. Print.
Morales Good, Monica. “Una mirada sociopolítica a través del Realismo Mágico.” Destiempos. Revista De Curiosidad Cultural. 4 Dec. 2015: 44-59. Print.
Morales-Good, Monica. “A Divergent Lens Detailing the Aboriginal’s Fall.” Destiempos. Revista De Curiosidad Cultural. 15 Aug. 2015: 7-15. Print.
Good, Monica. “Chichen-Itza Wonder of the World.” Language Compass 30 Sept. 2014. Print.
Conferences and presentations
Paper Presentation. “The Indigenous Interpreter as a Cultural and Knowledge Keeper. The Case of Oaxaca.” Primer Coloquio: Avances y Retos en la Formación de Intérpretes de Lenguas Indígenas, San Francisco de Campeche, México. July 2018
Paper Presentation. “Silent Zones and Language in Conflict.” Congreso internacional México Transatlántico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. March 2018
Paper Presentation. “When Words Collide: Intercultural Education as a Possible Bridge.” Rising Up Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba. March 2018
Paper Presentation. “Indigenous Tongues are Also Language.” 16th Annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium (IGSS). Vancouver, British Columbia. March 2018
Invited Lecture. “Day of the Dead in the State of Oaxaca.” UBCO Intercultural Development Program. Kelowna, BC. October 2017.
Paper Presentation. “Voiceless Voices.” 6th Annual Native American Studies Graduate Student Symposium. Davis California. March, 2017
Paper Presentation. “Indigenous Knowledge in the Courtroom: The Challenges of Speaking the Truth.” Rising Up Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba. March 2017.
Paper Presentation. “La alfabetización de los pueblos indígenas mexicanos: todo no es suficiente.” Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America. International Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, October 2016.
Panel Presentation. “Literacy In Indigenous Mexico: Just Enough But Not Enough.” Bumping Zones Conference, Kelowna, May 2016.
Okanagan Workshop on Innovation in Language Teaching, UBC. Kelowna, BC. August 2014. Organizer/chair.
Paper Presentation. “Beyond the Border.” Encuentro Literario, NMSU. Las Cruces, New Mexico April 2013.
Selected Grants & Awards
Provost Award for Teaching Assistants and Tutors 2016-2017
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Latin American Studies Association
National Language Service Corps 2008-Present
Peer reviewer and editor at The Student Anthropologist 2017- Present
Editorial committee member at Hallazgos Magazine 2016- Present