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Emily Murphy, PhD
(She, Her, Hers)Assistant Professor
Digital Humanities, English, English and Cultural Studies
On Leave Until: August 31, 2025Other Titles: Digital Humanaities
Office: CCS 346
Phone: 250.807.8073
Email: emily.murphy@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Multimedia cultural memory; feminist and intersectional digital humanities; critical and creative making; digital pedagogy; twentieth-century literature and culture; high, middlebrow, and popular modernisms; literature of the Spanish Civil War; women’s writing; adaptation and media-specificity; dance, movement, and physical culture; celebrity culture; life writing; comics and graphic novels
Courses & Teaching
Digital Humanities; English
Research Interests & Projects
My research interests are diverse—I have on-going projects on Goodreads, flamenco dance in Canada, data modelling to represent activist literary community, embodied oral history, notation and technologies for movement, digital editing, and digital humanities pedagogy. All of my work is united by an orientation towards cultural memory and media. I specialize in particular in the women’s literature and culture of the early 20thcentury, and I increasingly work on contemporary historical fiction, the relationship between historical and contemporary media, and reading in the digital age.
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
I am the Director of the CFI-funded ReMedia Research and Creation Infrastructure. Research in that facility focuses on multimedia cultural memory.
Graduate Supervision
I supervise in the MA English and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Digital Arts and Humanities programs. I am especially interested in working with students whose projects focus on multimedia approaches to literary culture, whether historical or contemporary.
At the moment I have the capacity to supervise students with strong backgrounds in a humanities field: English or other literary study, cultural studies, history, digital humanities, or book history, among others. As my own scholarly background is in the humanities, I would only be a suitable supervisor for students using humanities methods.
If you would like to work with me, please refer to the Graduate Studies guide to writing a Statement of Intent. As projects in the humanities are likely to be individually motivated (rather than joining a research team), I will need to see at minimum a draft of point #1 in order to gauge the fit of your interests to mine.
Courses and Teaching
ENGL/DIHU155: Reading, Writing, and Making with Technology in the Humanities
DIHU220: Research with Media in the Humanities
ENGL301/DIHU305: The Self-Conscious Text
ENGL/DIHU407: Media and Contemporary Reading
ENGL/DIHU409: Special Topics in Digital Humanities
IGS501: Digital Arts and Humanities Methods
IGS524: Proseminar in Interdisciplinary Studies
Professional Teaching
Text Encoding Fundamentals (DH Training Network, with Constance Crompton and Lee Zickel)
Digital Humanities Pedagogy (DH Training Network)