From the UK, performer/creators Bertrand Lesca and Nasi Voutsas in their multiple award-winning, internationally celebrated performance, Palmyra. Photo credit: Alex Brenner
What: Living Things International Arts Festival
Who: UBC’s Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies and Inner Fish Performance Co.
When: January 11 to February 9
Where: Mary Irwin Theatre & Alternator Gallery (Rotary Centre for the Arts), Black Box Theatre (Kelowna Community Theatre) FINA Gallery (Creative and Critical Studies building UBCO campus)
The Living Things International Arts festival is a celebration of the sensuality, pleasure, and power of live performance
The third iteration of Living Things runs from January 11 to February 9 and includes performances from the United Kingdom, the USA, Montreal, Vancouver, and the Okanagan Valley.
“This festival is all about the simple but profoundly satisfying magic of the stage,” says Neil Cadger, organizer of the festival. “The more we are immersed in the strange public solitude of virtual networks, the more we cherish the sensual immediacy of a skillful live performer stimulating our collective imagination in real time and space.”
Throughout the festival, live public installations will take place in the FINA Gallery, and student and faculty exhibitions will be at the Alternator Gallery.
For the first time Living Things will also be offering performance WORKSHOPS led by visiting international artists: Politics in the Room, led by Palmyra performers Bert & Nasi (UK), makes the stage a space for artistic and political negotiation; Naked Comedy led by Deanna Fleysher (USA) explores the performers’ unique connection with the audience, the bravery required to be vulnerable and the gratification that comes from letting go. For information and registration go to WORKSHOPS at the Living Things website.
The festival is organized by FCCS prof, Neil Cadger and supported by the City of Kelowna, the Canada Council, the BC Arts Council, the centre culturel francophone de l’Okanagan, UBC Okanagan’s FCCS, the Curious Café, and the Mission Group. It is also supported by a generous and enthusiastic group of volunteers including a number of alumni from Creative Studies who are contributing their skills to the production of this month-long festival, creating graphic art, writing grant applications, and designing and implementing the publicity and marketing strategies.
Tickets can be purchased online, and make perfect Christmas gifts! More about the festival line up of performers and ticket information: www.LivingThingsFestival.com