Faculty Funding & Awards

Our faculty is committed to recognizing outstanding contributions to its teaching, research and service missions

Below are opportunities for research funding as well teaching award nominations and award recipients.

Funding Opportunities

There are a number of external funding opportunities through ORS (Office of Research Services). Please review the document below for the FCCS procedures for timeline and signatures to ensure you are able to meet the internal UBCO and external grant deadlines.


The total lead time you will need for RPIF signatures is 10 working days: ORS RPIF deadlines are 5 working days prior to the sponsor deadline, and FCCS RPIF deadlines are 5 working days prior to ORS deadline. For awards with no ORS RPIF deadline, you will need 5 working days lead time from the sponsor’s deadline for RPIF signatures as per FCCS submission procedures outlined at the link above.

Internal Funding

FCCS has a number of awards for research creation and conference travel to support faculty members to further their projects of scholarly and creative research, and scholarship of teaching, see below for details and deadlines.

Note that recipients of internal FCCS awards must present their research at the annual It’s Creative, It’s Critical – FCCS Research Series.

Exeter-UBCO Sustainability and Resilience Pilot initiative

UBC Okanagan is partnering with the University of Exeter to encourage and expand academic research, education and exchange between the two world-class institutions. The new Exeter-UBCO Sustainability and Resilience Partnership is a three-year strategic pilot that expands on formal agreements and joint funding mechanisms between the two universities dating back to 2017.

Current funding opportunities:

  • Catalyst Grants
  • Faculty Exchange Grants
  • Initiator Grants
  • Professional Staff Exchange

Follow the link below for more information on each grants and instructions on how to apply.

Exeter-UBCO Sustainability and Resilience Pilot initiative

These awards support tenured scholars in projects of scholarly research and scholarship of teaching and learning (for the Research Fellowship) or research creation and artistic curation (for the Creation/Curation Fellowship) that are intellectually adventurous and likely to result in significant academic and/or social impact.

The applicant must present a coherent project with a clearly stated objective and well-defined research plan, and demonstrate a substantial record of scholarly and creative contribution and external funding applications in the past three years.

The amount of the research award for 2025-26 is $3500 in unrestricted research funds. FCCS Research Fellows may hold a KFRF or other leave fellowships concurrently (total awards not to exceed full salary).

Deadline: February 15 of each year

FCCS Research Fellowship Guidelines

FCCS Research Fellowship Application

The timing and criteria of the fellowship align with the Sam Black Award for Education and Development in the Visual and Performing Arts, the Dorothy Somerset Award for Performance Development in the Visual and Performing Arts (alternate years only) and the Killam Faculty Research Fellowship (KFRF) so that recipients of the faculty fellowship are well-positioned to apply successfully for further awards.

The primary purpose of the FCCS Faculty Research and Scholarly Development Fund is to assist with proposal development for grant applications and to assist with the completion of research leading to publication or forms of dissemination (not including conference presentations). Research includes research creation and scholarship of teaching and learning.

FCCS has limited funding available to support tenured and tenure-track faculty with eligible expenses as outlined below.  Approval is subject to funding availability. Applicants may apply for up to $1750 for grant development and up to $750 for publication or dissemination.

Deadline: Applications will be accepted throughout the year. 




The mandate of the FCCS Term Faculty Research and Scholarly Development Fund is to proactively support the developing research profile of FCCS Limited Contract Faculty in Lecturer and Sessional Instructor positions with access to financial support for the publishing, dissemination, research related travel and research/creation.

One award of $1000.00 will be granted for the 2024/25 academic year.

Deadline: October 15 each year

*Note – the funding for the 2024-25 academic year has been allocated.



Applications for this fund are not being accepted for the 2024/25 academic year. 

The primary purpose of the FCCS Travel Fund is to assist with travel costs for conference or art presentations.

FCCS has limited funding available to support tenured and tenure-track faculty with eligible expenses as outlined below. Approval is subject to funding availability. Applicants can request up to $1500 for Canadian travel, $2500 for travel to the United States, and $3000 for international travel.

Deadlines: closed. 





September 6, 2023– Applicants must complete a Killam Notice of Intent (NOI). Applicants should notify prospective referees that a request for references may be forthcoming.

October 6, 2023 – Application (including the letter of support from the UBC faculty member; but without reference letters) is due internally: jodey.castricano@ubc.ca. Applicants should notify prospective referees that a request for references may be forthcoming, if they have not already done so.

Applicants will be notified if the application is proceeding; if so, applicants then invite their three referees to provide a letter of reference addressed to UBC via email by noon PST, October 14 at postdoc.ok@ubc.ca.

October 16, 2023 – the full and complete application including the letter of support and 3 references is due: postdoc.ok@ubc.ca. 

Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Teaching Awards

UBC Okanagan Outstanding Instructor Award

The UBC Okanagan Outstanding Instructor Award recognizes exemplary instructors within each Faculty for their teaching over the past three years, with emphasis on the most recent academic year, based on an assessment of their teaching conducted by the Faculty in which they are appointed.

UBC Okanagan Outstanding Instructor Award Nominations

UBC Okanagan Outstanding Instructor AWARD RECIPIENTS

  • George Grinnell, Department of English and Cultural Studies
  • Ethan Guagliardo, Department of English and Cultural Studies
  • Patrick Lundeen, Department of Creative Studies
  • Paul Milton, Department of English and Cultural Studies
  • Katherine Pickering, Department of Creative Studies
  • Tracy Ross, Department of Creative Studies
  • Mayu Takasaki,  Department of Languages and World Literatures

FCCS Teaching Excellence and Innovation Awards

FCCS values teaching excellence as a fundamental pillar of its mandate. We pursue various initiatives that build on the distinguished record of instruction that our faculty members have garnered over the years and that ensure that our students have the highest quality of learning in our courses and across our programs.

This award was designed to recognize faculty members for teaching approaches that develop experiential learning, interdisciplinarity, internationalization, undergraduate research and scholarship. See below for the list of recipients from 2015 to 2024.


  • Maria Alexopoulos (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Patrick Lundeen (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Nathalie Hager (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Alifa Bandali (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Nina Langton (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Mayu Takasaki (Teaching Excellence & Innovation)
  • Claude Desmarais (Teaching Innovation)
  • Shirley McDonald (Teaching Excellence)
  • Myron Campbell (Teaching Innovation)
  • Shona Harrison (Teaching Excellence)
  • Briar Craig (Teaching Innovation)
  • Shirley McDonald (Teaching Excellence)
  • Ramine Adl, Claude Desmarais, Alwyn Spies (Teaching Innovation)
  • Myron Campbell (Teaching Excellence)
  • Melissa Jacques (Teaching Excellence)

UBC Teaching Honour Roll Recipients

Each year, UBC’s Okanagan campus recognizes outstanding professors with the Teaching Honour Roll.

*Note – the UBC Teaching Honour Roll was discontinued after 2018. 

FCCS Faculty Award Recipients

  • Briar Craig
  • Greg Garrard
  • Lisa Grekul
  • Allison Hargreaves
  • Marie Loughlin
  • Stephanie Tolman
  • Grisel Garcia-Perez
  • Allison Hargreaves
  • Carolina Restrepo

Community Engagement and Service Awards

As part of our ongoing efforts to recognize contributions and excellence in a variety of areas, FCCS has established awards for members of the FCCS community. These awards present FCCS the opportunity to express gratitude for the contributions that advance our mission and the objectives of our strategic plan and to shine the spotlight on those contributions.

Community Engagement Award recognizes excellence in community engagement within the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS). Community engagement is defined, in the context of this award, as an activity or activities that make a significant and positive impact on communities beyond the University.

Service Award  recognizes excellence in service within the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS). Service is defined, in the context of this award, as significant and positive contribution to the work of a department, the Faculty, and/or the University.

Community engagement and service AWARD RECIPIENTS

Michael V. Smith (2017-2018)

Denise Kenney (2016-2017)

Myron Campbell (2015-2016)

Nancy Holmes (2014-2015)

Michael Treschow (2016-2017)

Marianne Legault (2015-2016)

Wendy Mohns (2014-2015)