Graduate students in our Masters of Arts and Masters of Fine Arts programs are currently organizing a graduate student conference, Critical Relations Symposium, that will be held at UBC Okanagan in April of this year. The organizing is being done by the It’s Lit! Club, founded by a group of masters students excited to bring more conversation and community to the literary community on campus.
It’s Lit! Club at UBCO encourages humanities students to connect, discuss, and expand the study of cultural texts, be they literature, art, music, media, or critical theory. To do this, It’s Lit! holds space for students to share developing research in conference events and community-building events, ultimately contributing to the development of informal and formal publications.
The Critical Relations Symposium is a two-day academic conference hosted on UBC Okanagan campus through the It’s Lit! Club, offering undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to share their research with the wider campus academic community. This year’s theme is encounters, and will take place in-person on April 28th and 29th, 2023. The Critical Relations Symposium is organized by Liam Fraser (MA), Karis Dimas-Lehndorf (MA), Zachary Dewitt (MA), Jessica Beaudin (MA), and Annie Furman (MFA). This event seeks to model the value of academic discussion and collaboration in and across the humanities disciplines, with emphasis and consideration for the expanding role of academic interdisciplinarity.”
Call for Papers
The Critical Relations Symposium is invested in encounters: in thinking across differences, in how we come together (whosoever that ‘we’ may be), and what possibilities or consequences encounters hold. We wonder about interdisciplinarity as both method and subject, and thus welcome submissions from across humanities and fine arts disciplines as individual presenters or panel discussions.
Please submit abstracts, didactic texts, exhibition proposals, panel proposals, and any questions to by March 17, 2023.
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, submitted in .doc or .docx formats. Individual presentations will be 15-20 minutes, with Q&A periods to follow.