MFA Thesis Exhibitions by Jessie Emilie Schmode and Troy Teichrib

MFA candidates Jessie Emilie Schmode and Troy Teichrib presented their final year thesis exhibitions at Lake Country Art Gallery from May 18 to July 14, 2024.

Jessie Emilie Schmode’s exhibition is titled, Spiritual Growth: The Unapologetic Nude: A compelling exploration of introspection through large-scale portraiture. Exploring the impact of religious teachings on women’s bodies, embarking on a journey towards empowerment through painting. This exhibition challenges conventional perceptions of the female nude, reimagining it through a feminist perspective influenced by the healing essence of nature (Biophilia) and the acceptance of imperfection (Wabi-sabi). Historically, depictions of nudity in art have been dominated by male perspectives, relegating women to mere muses and objects for male expression. Over the past two years, a dedication to a series of paintings confronts and redefines the portrayal of the female nude, aiming to ignite conversations about breaking free from societal and religious constraints on female representation.

Students viewing Jessie’s work in the exhibition, Lake Country Art Gallery

Departures: Bridging the Gap by Troy Teichrib was an exhibition of boldly painted urban graphic abstraction that bridges artistic boundaries. This new work highlights the spontaneous and raw nature of graffiti art, this body of work includes small to large mixed-media paintings, each a testament to Teichrib’s efforts in translating graffiti’s fleeting beauty and raw energy within the gallery’s structured confines. This methodical yet chaotic process of uncovering and reviving elements from dense chunks of accumulated graffiti is a meditation on ego, ownership, and the impermanence of art. By overlaying and then meticulously removing layers of his own work, he confronts the challenge of disassociating from the personal motifs and styles that have defined his artistic identity. This practice of revisiting buried history becomes a dialogue between creation and destruction.

Troy’s work in the exhibition, Lake Country Art Gallery

During the course of the exhibition, both artists hosted artists talks and workshops.

On Friday May 24th, Jessie and Troy did a hands-on workshop with 34 fine arts students from George Elliot Secondary School (GESS). The morning started off with artist talks by both Jessie and Troy, then stencil making in the gallery and outside painting the Town Wall with Troy, followed by lunch.

“The students really enjoyed it, especially the spray painting. It is always great to connect the high school with the university,” says Wanda Lock, Lake Country Art Gallery Curator.

Jessie Emilie Schmode giving her talk to GESS students

Jessie Emilie Schmode giving her talk to GESS students

GESS students painting the Town Wall with Troy Teichrib

GESS students painting the Town Wall with Troy Teichrib

On June 8th, Troy, under the name Eyefactory, hosted fish:BOWL at the Lake Country Skateboard Park, which was a community celebration that bridges generations through the power of graffiti.

We are greatful to the Lake Country Art Gallery for showcasing the work of these two MFA students.

Troy at the fish:BOWL event at the Lake Country Skatepark

Troy at the fish:BOWL event at the Lake Country Skatepark

Troy at the fish:BOWL event at the Lake Country Skatepark