Following an academic path from engineering to visual art, to landscape architecture
Visual Arts alumni Josh Fender talks about his experience as a visual arts student proved invaluable in his architecture program
From the classroom to the real world
UBC Okanagan’s Bachelor of Media Studies encourages Fiona Firby’s creative mind to thrive.
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UBCO Creative Writing professor makes Giller Prize longlist
Curiosities makes the cut as one of the 12 best fiction books in Canada
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UBCO hosts fifth annual Sharon Thesen Lecture
Annual lecture an opportunity to tackle persistent questions about writing
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East Asian Media Culture in the Age of Digital Platforms Conference
This international conference held at SFU on Oct. 4th and 5th, and at UBCO on Oct. 7th will explore how digital platformization has been shifting the ways in which media and popular culture evolve in the East Asian and Asia-Pacific contexts. The empirical and theoretical studies presented by leading scholars across media/communication studies, cultural studies, […]
SpokenWeb Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Klara du Plessis is the postdoctoral fellow on the SpokenWeb SSHRC Partnership Grant at UBC Okanagan, supervised by Dr. Karis Shearer.
Research Project Spotlight: Preserving Canada’s Multimedia Dance Histories
SSHRC funded project builds resources for arts heritage organizations to preserve multimedia histories
Alumni Profile: Dravida Huda
Recent MA in English graduate discussed her experience at UBCO.
UBCO’s one-year professional master’s program designed for innovative leaders
Working professionals seeking innovative learning encouraged to apply
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Public Theatre Project
This project aims to foster cross-faculty collaboration and build a sense of community, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, and provide creative tools and outlets that contribute to student well-being