Shauna Oddleifson, BFA

(She, Her, Hers)

Communications and Marketing Strategist

Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
Office: CCS 177
Phone: 250.807.9864


Faculty research promotion
Development of promotional material for recruitment purposes
Writing content for faculty, student and alumni profiles
Undergraduate and Graduate program promotion
Student Recruitment, graduate and undergraduate
Alumni Relations
Support for events in FCCS departments (promotions, logistics, planning)
Faculty wide event planning
FCCS websites updates and content creation
Social media content management





“Indian headdresses” and blackface on display at the Alternator

The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art stirs controversy with their upcoming exhibition, What does it mean to be The Problem, opening at 7pm on Friday January 8th, 2016.

Exhibition: What does it mean to be The Problem?
Opening Reception: Friday, January 8, 7pm
: Fern Helfand, Tannis Nielsen, and Samuel Roy-Bois
Exhibition dates: 8 January to 18 February, 2016

Copied from her family archive, Fern Helfand, professor of photography in FCCS,  presents a life-sized photograph of a group of children at a costume party taken in 1961. In the picture a young Caucasian boy’s cheeks are streaked with war paint as he proudly dons a feathered Indigenous war bonnet. The little girl’s face is colored black with chocolate Quik powder, and a black-skinned inflatable “Hug-a-Bug” doll dangles from her hand.

This image lies at the axis of the exhibition. Works by 2 other UBCO artists of mixed heritages Tannis Nielsen and Samuel Roy-Bois respond from their own perspectives.

Issues of cultural appropriation, stereotyping, racism and privilege aim to challenge the viewer and to prompt them to think about how they too might be implicated no matter how innocent their actions might be.

The Alternator will host an opening reception for What does it mean to be The Problem on January 8th at 7pm. The catered event is free and open to the public. In addition, there will be an AlterKnowlege public discussion forum on racism and privilege January 15th at 7pm.

The Okanagan arts community is also invited to creatively respond to the exhibition with their own artwork. An exhibition of these submissions will be mounted in the Alternator from February 5th to 20th. More information is available at

The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art is an artist-run centre located in Kelowna at the Rotary Centre for the Arts, 421 Cawston Avenue. The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art is a registered non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the development of the creative community. Since 1989, the Alternator has shown the work of emerging Canadian artists, focused on innovative and non-traditional mediums engaged in social and cultural issues.

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The Pollinizing Sessions: A Series of Free Talks and Workshops to Learn about Pollinators in our Community

Tuesday, November 24th 2015, 7 – 8:30 PM
Downtown Kelowna Branch, Okanagan Regional Library
1380 Ellis St, Kelowna
Free admission, All welcome

Join Nancy Holmes of the Public Art Pollinator Pasture Project at UBC Okanagan to learn more about Kelowna’s Public Art Pollinator Pasture at the Brent’s Grist Mill Heritage Park.

This evening will launch a series of talks and workshops, The Pollinizing Sessions, which will begin in January 2016. “The Pollinizing Sessions” will consist of talks and workshops by experts who will help the community learn more about important species such as bumble bees and other native bees and insects, about which plants can best support them, and ways to build habitat for them. A special feature on November 24th will be from the Central Okanagan Heritage Society which will provide information about the Brent’s Grist Mill heritage values.

Please come if you are interested in volunteering for planting and site preparation, making art, making insect habitats, or participating in citizen science pollinator census projects next spring. You’re also welcome if you just want to learn more about the Brent’s Grist Mill, the park site, native bees, native and xeriscape planting, and making habitat for pollinators in your own backyard. Or maybe you’re just curious about the project!

The series is sponsored by the Okanagan Regional Library and The Public Art Pollinator Pasture Project and The Eco Art Incubator in the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at UBC Okanagan. The Public Art Pollinator Pasture is a project created through a partnership between UBC, The City of Kelowna, The City of Richmond and Emily Carr University of Art and Design.

For more information, contact Nancy Holmes at



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