Shauna Oddleifson, BFA

(She, Her, Hers)

Communications and Marketing Strategist

Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
Office: CCS 177
Phone: 250.807.9864


Faculty research promotion
Development of promotional material for recruitment purposes
Writing content for faculty, student and alumni profiles
Undergraduate and Graduate program promotion
Student Recruitment, graduate and undergraduate
Alumni Relations
Support for events in FCCS departments (promotions, logistics, planning)
Faculty wide event planning
FCCS websites updates and content creation
Social media content management


Mason Bees slide

Bee Central: UBC’s “Culture Days” Activity

What: Mason Bee Homes, free family community art event
Who: Eco Artist Lori Mairs
When: Saturday, September 26, 11 am – 3 pm
Where: Brent’s Grist Mill Heritage Park, Kelowna

UBC will have a presence in Kelowna at this year’s national Culture Days celebrations with the community art project, Bee Central. Artist Lori Mairs will be leading a series of fun, family projects to create homes for mason bees for people’s backyards this upcoming spring. Mason Bee Homes is the fourth community art event sponsored by Bee Central and it takes place Saturday, September 26 from 11 am to 3 pm. Admission is free and people can drop in at any time.

Lori Mairs

Lori Mairs

Mairs will help participants make their own home and children will be invited to create bee finger puppets. She will also display a mason bee tube sculpture to show mason bee development and the community can participate in creating a pollinator hotel to be installed on the site of a pollinator pasture next spring. Bee Central is a Community Art Project sponsored by UBC Okanagan and the City of Kelowna and takes place at the historic Brent’s Grist Mill Heritage Park at the corner of Dilworth Rd and Leckie Place. This event is being held in conjunction with the Central Okanagan Heritage Society who will provide information about the Grist Mill and Culture Days in Kelowna.

Lori Mairs is an ecological artist-researcher who lives in a companion-species relationship with the 22 acres that is the Woodhaven Nature Conservancy. Mairs is a sculptor, writer, and photographer, and she has an MFA degree in Visual Arts from UBC Okanagan.

Bee Central is part of a larger plan to introduce and stimulate a ‘buzz’ about bees and the Brent’s Grist Mill Heritage Park, particularly to attract a diverse community to help with the planting, building and maintaining of a Public Art Pollinator Pasture in Kelowna, explains UBC Assoc. Prof. Nancy Holmes. Bee Central is made possible by a Community Public Art Grant from the City of Kelowna and UBC’s Eco Art Incubator.

Culture Days is a national celebration organized by “a non-profit organization dedicated to building a national network of cultural connections devoted to providing Canadians with opportunities to participate in, and appreciate, all forms of arts and culture. Through an annual three-day national celebration each September, hundreds of thousands of artists and cultural organizations in hundreds of cities and towns come together and invite Canadians to participate in free interactive and ‘behind the scenes’ activities to discover their cultural spirit and passion.”

For more information about UBC Okanagan Eco Art Incubator projects or to become a volunteer, please contact Holmes at, 250-764-9666. More information can be found at: .


Draw by Night is back!

What: Kelowna’s only bi-monthly drawing party
When: Friday, Sept. 25,  7-9 p.m.
Where: Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, 103-421 Cawston Avenue

Now in it’s 2nd year, Draw By Night: Kelowna is a collaborative drawing party, free to the public, which asks its participants to collectively and freely draw in a social setting on large rolls of paper. The objective is to be surrounded by like-minded creative individuals, listen and converse visually through drawing or be inspired by others to produce something individually. This bi-monthly event, organized by Visual Arts professor, Myron Campbell has been happening for the last year and a half.

“I started this event to create a comfortable, pressure-free space to draw in an effort to remove inhibitions while drawing while also mixing faculty, students, industry and the general public.” says Campbell. “So far we’ve had parties at the Kelowna Art Gallery, the Alternator Centre and the Kelowna Museums. The response has been pretty great. We were featured on Global TV last year and we have an upcoming event during Culture Days at the end of the month.”

The aim is to engage creative people from various disciplines throughout the community including students, industry professionals, visual artists, hobbyists and the general public and get them all drawing!

Inspired by the work by Ann Nicholson, the next theme celebrates our own inner warriors. The voices in our heads that guide us through good and bad times. As part of Kelowna’s Culture Days, DBNers will get together and create character Artist Trading Cards to share and trade.

This event is free + open to the public! Come armed with your favourite drawing utensil or just bring your bad self and you can use our stuff. We will provide materials and food for your inspiration. Come draw with us!

Stay up to date on DBN events on our facebook page.


Arthur Manuel

Arthur Manuel

Bee Central  Aug23 story slide

Brandon Taylor

Brandon Taylor

Brandon Taylor graduated with a BA in English. He was drawn to UBCO’s FCCS after spending two years at Okanagan College:  “I really ended up in Kelowna as part of happenstance. I had a career in retail management for almost five years before finally deciding to return to academia. When inquiring about night school classes for business, I found that Okanagan College was offering university transfer courses that were applicable across British Columbia. By that September, I was on the path to a Bachelor’s Degree in English.”

Once at UBC, Brandon made use of the resources available to him, which included a number of campus jobs. “UBCO has been incredibly helpful in allowing me to immerse myself in an academic life. While at UBCO, I was lucky enough to work as a Writing Consultant at the Writing and Research Centre, as a Peer Notetaker for the Disability Resource Centre, as a Research Assistant over the summer on a special television research project, and finally as a Research Assistant with the wonderful Nancy Holmes to write these alumni articles.”

Beyond work experience, Brandon also greatly enjoyed the interactions he had with various faculty, staff, and students. “My experience at UBCO has been dotted with personal experiences that I have come to value and treasure. The most important element I have gained in my time here has been working closely with one of the most impressive Faculties I could possibly imagine. I learned about American fiction from Dr. Paul Milton. I learned about television and film studies from Dr. Daniel Keyes. I learned about critical theory from Dr. George Grinnell. I learned about Canadian fiction from Dr. Lisa Grekul. I learned about medieval fiction from Dr. Michael Treschow. These professors are only a fraction of the amazing people peppered throughout the FCCS, which includes the administrative offices where our unsung heroes keep the department running smoothly.”

Brandon will be attending the University of Victoria as a Master’s fellow in September 2015. He noted that “UBCO’s FCCS helped me understand the requirements necessary to go further into academic studies. I will be researching the later works of John Milton. Dr. Margaret Reeves taught a specific course on Milton that I found deeply inspiring and, from that point on, I could not think of doing anything else for my Master’s Degree. Her enthusiasm and intellectual rigor taught me how to really approach academic expectations, which has greatly benefitted me on almost every conceivable level.”

In closing, he stated: “As I have stressed throughout the interview, the crux of my experience at UBCO’s FCCS has hinged on the time I spent with my professors and student colleagues. UBCO’s intimate size means that many professors make themselves available to interact with students. All of my greatest experiences have come from embracing the larger community, which includes both students and professors. There is always room to get involved and immerse yourself in the university experience. UBCO is an amazing place and it is well worth the effort to continue pushing forward, striving for better, and enriching your academic experience.”

Lindsay Naito

Lindsay Naito

Lindsay Naito graduated with both a B.A. and M.A. in English. In an interview, she mentioned that she was initially drawn to UBCO because she “grew up in Kelowna, and I liked the idea of staying in the Okanagan for university. I come from a family of business majors and had a lot of friends in business school, so, when it was time to choose what I was going to study, I definitely felt a bit of pressure to choose something ‘practical.’ However, I’ve always loved literature, and I’m so glad that I chose the English program at UBCO. While I may not have used my literary knowledge every day since I graduated, my experiences at UBCO definitely laid the groundwork for some fantastic adventures as well as my current career.”

Her experiences on campus were so rewarding that, “when it came to applying for grad school, I applied to a few different universities. However, I had a really great experience in the undergraduate program, so, despite being accepted to other universities in the province, I decided to stay at UBCO. The English MA was a brand new program at the time, and it was really exciting to be a part of its development.” During her Master’s Degree, Lindsay took an active role in the program and Faculty and helped organize the first annual graduate conference at UBCO. “We had some really motivated people leading our team, and UBCO provided us with all of the resources necessary to put on a two-day, interdisciplinary event. We ended up receiving paper submissions from students across Canada and the US, and the whole thing was a huge success.”

Once Lindsay had graduated, she was lucky enough to teach English in rural Japan as part of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET)  for four years, and said “it was the very best thing that I have ever done. I really can’t emphasize that enough.” She added, “I was also very lucky that, as a UBCO graduate student, I was able to take first year Japanese courses as I was going through the application process. Furthermore, my research at UBCO focused on issues of cultural identity in Asian-Canadian literature, I think it made me a good fit for JET. During my four years in Japan, I found that, as a JET participant, I was much more of a cultural ambassador than an English teacher, and this is definitely something that the selection committee keeps in mind during the application process.”

Continuing her adventure after her time with JET, Lindsay “left Japan and moved to Hong Kong for a year. In Hong Kong, I taught English to adults at a private language centre.” Lindsay is currently teaching courses in ESL, academic writing, and literature at Dorset College in Vancouver BC.

In closing, Lindsay remarked: “I would really encourage anyone with a passion for literature to consider the English program at UBCO. I was able to take interesting and diverse courses, the faculty was incredibly engaging and supportive, and many of my fellow English majors became lifelong friends.”

This story was written by Brandon Taylor, English major in FCCS. Brandon is a Research Assistant in FCCS, contacting alumni to find out about their experiences here at UBCO.

Julie Fowler

Julie Fowler

Julie Fowler graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing. Julie had completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Art History at Concordia University  before attending UBCO. However, she wanted to use her previously developed skills to work on a more unique project within FCCS: “This time I wanted freedom from essay structure. I wanted to write stories. In the fall of 2006, I moved to Penticton with my husband Paul Crawford, Director/Curator of the Penticton Art Gallery, and got excited about the new Masters level programs at UBCO, as well as the interdisciplinary nature of the program. I love doing research into art and artists, but I wanted to do it in a more storytelling fashion. UBCO embraced my idea to write a work of creative nonfiction for my thesis.”


Book cover: The Grade Dames of the Cariboo

Julie’s unique approach to her project would also lead to some very interesting results. “I think I was the longest running Master’s student at UBCO with my studies running from January 2007 to June 2013 when I finally graduated. Part of my challenge was working full time for Island Mountain Arts in the tiny Cariboo town of Wells, BC, while trying to complete my thesis work. My project was, however, somewhat integrated into the work that I was doing in Wells as I was researching the story of a family of artists in the Cariboo, who back in the 1940s had initiated the Cariboo Art Society and inspired many people in the region to embrace the arts. It was extremely rewarding for me to uncover and bring to light this little know history of art in the Cariboo. It gave me context for the work that I was doing to nurture artistic growth in the Cariboo. I was ecstatic to be contacted by Caitlin Press just a month before I was set to graduate, to publish my thesis. So now my thesis project is available to the public as a book called The Grande Dames of the Cariboo.”

Julie also made use of the resources available to her at UBCO, but “the greatest gift was the support I received from supervisor, Anne Fleming, as well as my committee. I was very lucky to work with and gain feedback from such a talented bunch of writers and artists.” These experiences helped Julie realize some of her professional goals. “My experience at UBCO gave me the tools and knowledge to move forward in my professional practice. I know that I would have never gotten my book published (or even written) if I hadn’t had the support of the Creative Writing Program. It certainly introduced me to wider circle of artists and thinkers, which strengthens my abilities as Artistic Director for Island Mountain Arts.”

In closing, Julie stated: “This program helped me accomplish my goals as a writer and artist. I feel extremely lucky to have found my way to FCCS at UBC. The faculty are truly spectacular; they allowed my creativity to flow and helped guide my process in a very productive way. It was not easy to go back to school after being away from academia for almost ten years, but it turned out to be a very worthwhile experience. I met great people, had access to great facilities, gained experience as a teaching assistant and a research assistant and managed to write a book that got published.”

This story was written by Brandon Taylor, English major in FCCS. Brandon is a Research Assistant in FCCS, contacting alumni to find out about their experiences here at UBCO.

Beat Salad story slide

What: Beat Salad: an annual poetry and music night
When: Friday, July 10, 6pm
Where: Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre, 969 Raymer road

The second annual Beat Salad event, will be held on Friday July 10, 6pm at Woodhaven. This event is an artistic smorgasbord of poetry, prose, live music and a 100-mile potluck, where attendees will bring dishes made from Okanagan ingredients.

“Beat Salad is the perfect mix of cultural event and natural splendor, held at one of Kelowna’s more exciting arts venues,” said Clayton McCann, host of last year’s show. Beat Salad is an annual poetry/musical night hosted by UBC Okanagan’s Faculty of Critical and Creative Studies in partnership with the Regional District of the Okanagan.

Join writers W. Mark Giles, Michael V. Smith, Laisha Rosnau, Joan Crate, Matt Rader and others, along with artistic director Lucas Glenn for an evening of original works and Beat performances, live music by Rhoneil, with wine and cheese and all things delicious.

This event will be held at Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre, 969 Raymer Rd. Kelowna, V1W 2A3. Don’t want to make the drive? Take the Beat Salad shuttle from downtown Kelowna starting at 5:30pm, running every hour until 9:30pm.

Come and celebrate the beauty and power of Beat literature as a new generation of Canada’s top writers perform the works they love best by some of the Beat’s greatest. This is a night for lovers of great writing, music, wine and cheese.

See beatsaldevent.wordpress for more information or check out Woodhaven’s public Facebook group at:

Meghan Ross

Meghan Ross

Meghan Ross graduated with a B.A. in English. In an interview, Meghan admitted she was initially drawn to UBCO because “I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a Major Entrance Scholarship recipient for UBCO in 2009. Receiving that scholarship had a huge impact on my life because it gave me the chance to attend UBCO. At the same time it took away some of the pressure that many students experience in attending university. It gave me the room to really enjoy both my classes and the experience of being in university, and, to some extent, to follow my heart.”

Meghan is also one of many students who decided to change majors while attending university. “I initially started at UBCO as a Creative Writing major, but when I had to declare myself officially at the end of my second year, I found that it was my English classes which fired my mind and caught my heart and soul, and so I ended up an English major and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Meghan was the recipient of the Medal in Arts in 2013 for having the highest GPA in the Bachelor of Arts graduating class that year.

Meghan at Lake Windermere, England

Meghan at Lake Windermere, England

During her undergraduate degree, Meghan participated in UBCO’s Go Global program. “The highlight experience of my degree at UBCO was undoubtedly the year I spent on exchange through Go Global at Lancaster University in the UK. It was an incredible experience.” This opportunity allowed her to “volunteer at and attend the British Shakespeare Association conference, where I heard some amazing speakers and panels, and saw some incredible theatre.”

Back in Kelowna, she engaged in community activities and community theatre: “one of my favourite experiences while I was at UBCO was being involved with V-Day and the Vagina Monologues through the UBCO Women’s Resource Centre. Taking part in these productions introduced me to an amazing community of committed and passionate women working to improve conditions for women not only in our own country, but also in other countries. It was one of my first introductions to activism, and one of the most amazing volunteer experiences I’ve ever participated in.”

Meghan is now at UBC Vancouver working on her Master of Library and Information Studies. “I knew from my English program that I enjoyed research and study and literature, and I wanted a career that would incorporate elements of that, while also incorporating my love for people and for public service. Once I realized that, a career in public librarianship was inevitable.” She also added that her time at UBCO was extremely helpful in preparing her for graduate studies: “Learning how to completely immerse oneself in a topic, essentially by reading every piece of research written on it, and then bringing that research together into a coherent whole that could be summarized, examined, and reflected upon, was an immensely useful experience.”

Meghan summarizes her experience thus: “I would tell prospective students that FCCS was a perfect fit for me as a student, because it enabled me to be both focused and flexible in my degree. I took some transformative classes, and had some incredible experiences. I built relationships with professors who were and continue to be very supportive. I was able to gain an education that was both broad and deep, and tailored specifically to my interests. There was room to be interdisciplinary within the program, which I think is a great advantage to have in this day and age.”

This story was written by Brandon Taylor, English major in FCCS. Brandon is a Research Assistant in FCCS, contacting alumni to find out about their experiences here at UBCO.

Laura (left), as head liaison for the UBCSUO Community Outreach Program  with fellow volunteers at a retirement home in Kelowna.

Laura (left), as head liaison for the UBCSUO Community Outreach Program with fellow volunteers at a retirement home passing out goodies.

Laura Wyllie graduated with a B.A. in Art History. In an interview, Laura stated that she was initially drawn to UBC Okanagan because of the size of its campus: “I was actually interested in a Bachelor of Environmental Landscape Design. I wanted to be an architect, but realized that I wasn’t too big a fan of the sciences direction and that I could actually keep my focus on architecture through a major in Art History and Visual Culture.” She noted that “all the professors in the Art History program were easy to get to know and they took the time to get to know me and what my interests were. For each course, they guided me to new research topics on architecture within the curriculum. I was actually one of the first Art History majors at UBCO.”

During her undergraduate degree, Laura also made ample use of the resources available to students of the FCCS: “I had the opportunity to research numerous topics on a global scale because of the global course offerings of the Art History program. I did one directed studies in my 4th year on a German architectural design concept called Passivhaus. This was a really great opportunity to gain experience doing independent research and prepare me for grad school.

Professor Hussein Keshani designed the course to improve my PowerPoint and presenting skills, which came in very

Laura with fellow volunteers at the The Responsible Animal Care Society at a Bunny Sanctuary

Laura with fellow volunteers at the The Responsible Animal Care Society at a Bunny Sanctuary

handy for grad school.” As for the city of Kelowna, Laura said that it “will always be my home away from home now. I spent a total of 6 years at UBCO. I took a 6th year as an unclassified student to participate more within the campus community, work for the Academic Resource Centre, and take fine arts courses I didn’t have the time to take during my degree. This 6th year also gave me more time to work on writing grad school applications.”

Laura is now a graduate student at Carleton University and, to her, the experiences at UBCO have been immensely rewarding: “I never would have thought 8 years ago that I would now be living in Ottawa, just about to finish a Masters in Art History, having recently completed a 6-month practicum with the Educational, Community and Public Programs Department at the Ottawa Art Gallery. This practicum and my past experiences with UBCO’s Art History program are what actually have brought me in a full circle back to UBCO this coming September. I will be starting a second Masters, this time in Education.” She notes that her “dream job would be to work for a major city art gallery’s educational, community and public programming department: places such as Vancouver, Seattle, Toronto… or New York.”

In closing, Laura remarked: “UBCO’s Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies was an incredibly diverse faculty to be a part of. My experience in FCCS is what ultimately helped me find my true passion in life. I would say it was the Faculty’s great sense of community and the professors that helped me grow and succeed. It’s professors like Carolyn MacHardy, Jennifer Gustar, Lisa Grekul, Paul Milton, and Hussein Keshani that made my experience at UBCO something truly special and I am proud to be a part of UBCO alumni. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them!”

This story was written by Brandon Taylor, English major in FCCS. Brandon is a Research Assistant in FCCS, contacting alumni to find out about their experiences here at UBCO.