English and Cultural Studies

From Cultural Studies to Law: A Journey of Exploration and Critical Thinking

From Cultural Studies to Law: A Journey of Exploration and Critical Thinking

BA alumna Asha Young talks about her time at UBCO and how her degree helped to shape her worldview

Milk Thistle: Painting of a milk thistle plant, traditionally used to aid and heal mothers.

English honours student takes a creative approach to class assignment

The Herbal Records of Agnes Hathaway, journal created by 4th year student, Emma Laing

Cultural Studies Lecturer Receives Teaching Award

Cultural Studies Lecturer Receives Teaching Award

Dr. Maria Alexopoulos is the recipient of the 2023-2024 FCCS Teaching Award for Excellence and Innovation

Susan Reid

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Profile: Multibeing Seas: Agencies of Resistance and Response

Susan Reid is a postdoctoral fellow at UBC’s Faculty of Critical and Creative Studies working with Dr. Astrida Neimanis.

East Asian Media Culture in the Age of Digital Platforms Conference

East Asian Media Culture in the Age of Digital Platforms Conference

This international conference held at SFU on Oct. 4th and 5th, and at UBCO on Oct. 7th will explore how digital platformization has been shifting the ways in which media and popular culture evolve in the East Asian and Asia-Pacific contexts. The empirical and theoretical studies presented by leading scholars across media/communication studies, cultural studies, […]

Klara du Plessis

SpokenWeb Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Klara du Plessis is the postdoctoral fellow on the SpokenWeb SSHRC Partnership Grant at UBC Okanagan, supervised by Dr. Karis Shearer.

Alumni Profile: Dravida Huda

Alumni Profile: Dravida Huda

Recent MA in English graduate discussed her experience at UBCO.

Brianne Christensen at UBC Okanagan after he thesis defiance, November 2023

Alumni profile: Brianne Christensen

MA in English graduate talks about her time here at UBCO earning her degree.

Jannik Eikenaar

Alumni Profile: Jannik Eikenaar

Dr. Eikenaar completed both his Masters of Arts in English and his PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies in our English and Cultural Studies department. His advice to students: embrace that vulnerability, take that risk, and connect with others. 

David Laird with podcast co-host, Matt Bucher

Alumni Profile: Dave Laird

Masters of Arts in English alumnus talks about his experience at UBC Okanagan