Awful Splendour by Andreas Rutkauskas
Photographic slideshow in the Visualization and Emerging Media Studio (VEMS) allows visitors to experience the aftermath and regeneration following wildfire in the Okanagan through stereoscopic immersive visualization.
Help Teach: a podcast to support teachers in their efforts to make their classes more accessible
Second year student Mihai Covaser creates podcast for Communications and Rhetoric course project
In Memory of Jim Tanner
Fine Arts Associate Professor Emeritus passed away in September of 2022.
Alumni Profile: Kelly Doyle
Dissertation explores how the figure of the zombie in horror films from 2001 to 2012 exposes and challenges the discursive formulation of what it means to be human in the context of historical events like 9/11: who can be othered, and to what end.
Hummingbird Spirits: an installation in memorium
A series of hummingbird flags were created in honour of the children (little spirits) who never came home.