Q & A with Ashley Little
MFA alumna talks about her newly published book
Q & A with Michael Turner
MFA alumni talks about his newly published book
Okanagan Log Pile
New work by Fern Helfand
Q & A with Dania Tomlinson
MFA alumna talks about her newly published book
2018 Writer in Residence
Richard Van Camp
Bee Friendly Family Event
Pollinator Picnic will give details about nectar trail and art projects
GroundWorks Summer Indigenous Art Intensive
Dedicated to new ideas rooted in Indigenous art-making
Combining visual arts and biology
with aspirations to pursue medical illustration
Become a Bee Ambassador
Border Free Bees research project is encouraging local residents to ‘bee’ friendly this summer.
BMS student Lark Spartin
Talks about her first year in the Bachelor of Media Studies program