Course Unions & Clubs
UBCO Cultural Studies Course Union
The Cultural Studies Course Union provides a community for students who are involved in the Cultural Studies program or who simply have interests in the areas of social justice, media production, and the like. This is a community for Cultural Studies majors, miors and all those interested at UBC Okanagan!
UBCO English Course Union
The English Course Union (ECU) promotes the interests of students in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at UBC Okanagan. The ECU strives to provide its members with an opportunity to enhance their experience within the English Program through offering a welcoming community of like-minded bookworms, engaging events, and overall support during their journeys in academia.
Creative Writing Course Union
The Creative Writing Course Union strives to bring creative writing into more students’ lives and to offer Creative Writing students and other writers opportunities to showcase their work to campus and community audiences.
Visual Arts Course Union
The Visual Arts Course Union works to enhance the educational experience and to meet the needs of Visual Arts students at the UBC’s Okanagan Campus. It also facilitates activities and opportunities for artistic development of students in the arts community beyond the campus. Being part of this course union provides students the chance to help form a community of people with similar interests.
Student Associations, Clubs & Groups
There are dozens of student groups at UBC Okanagan. Build confidence. Meet friends. Step outside your comfort zone. Find that perfect student group and find yourself.
Student Life
The Okanagan campus is an intimate learning community where new ways of thinking attract exceptional students
and faculty. Find out more about what our campus has to offer.