Student Employment Opportunities

On this page you will find job opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

TA’s are paid approximately $13,800 annually and we prioritize graduate students for these positions—Masters students have two years of priority for placement; Doctoral students have four years of priority placement. The number of available positions is contingent on Faculty budget and overall student numbers.

Positions available 

  • Cultural Studies 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • English 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Creative Writing 100, 200 & 300 Level Courses
  • Interdisciplinary Performance 200 Level Courses
  • Visual Arts 100 Level Courses
  • Art History 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Media Studies (all Levels) Courses
  • Film 100 Level Courses
  • Spanish and World Literatures 100 & 200 Level Courses

GTA duties include the following:

  • Marking assignments and exams
  • Managing discussion periods
  • Teaching tutorials and/or lectures under supervision of faculty
  • Invigilation duties
  • Academic assistance to students in office hours
  • Estimated hours of work per term: 192


  • Must be a registered full-time student in a Master’s or PhD program at UBC Okanagan
  • Must possess necessary educational qualifications
  • Priority is given to graduate students in FCCS


  • GTA I – $40.48 per hour
  • GTA II – $39.01 per hour

Application deadline: April 30 each year 



Graduate Marker


  • Must be registered full-time in a Master’s or PhD program at UBC Okanagan
  • Must possess necessary educational qualifications
  • Priority is given to graduate students in FCCS

Positions available:

  • There are no positions at this time

Markers are paid $20.97 per hour.

Marker duties may include the following:

  • Attending lectures
  • Marking exams, tests or assignments which require only objective marking
  • Provide feedback to students as needed during a weekly office hour

Estimated hours of work:  6-12 per week

The number of available positions is contingent on Faculty budget and overall student numbers.

Application deadline: We are not accepting applications at this time. 

The apply for marker positions, applicants are required to submit cover letter, statement of relevant experience and unofficial transcript as one pdf document.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships

To be eligible for a UTA position, students must be registered in a bachelor degree and enrolled full-time studies (minimum 24 credits) at UBCO. Preference is given to students who are majoring in an FCCS program.

UTA duties may include the following:

  • Assist and supervise students during writing labs
  • Assist with marking quizzes
  • Attend selected class sessions
  • Attend meetings with the instructor
  • Invigilation duties during in-class and final exams
  • Assist students using Canvas
  • Meet with students during weekly office hours
  • Communicate with students through email
  • Assist with photocopying exams and other instructional materials, and in the preparation of study materials
  • Engage in professional development activities
  • Estimated hours of work: maximum 12 hours per week depending on workload.


  • Must be registered in a bachelor’s program at UBC Okanagan
  • Must possess the necessary educational qualifications
  • Preference is given to students who have a major in an FCCS program

Positions available:

  • Creative Writing 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Interdisciplinary Performance 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Visual Arts 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Art History 100 & 200 Level Courses
  • Media Studies 100 & 200 Level Courses


  • UTA: $22.26 per hour

The number of available positions is contingent on Faculty budget and overall student numbers.

Application deadline: April 30 each year 

Apply Now

Undergraduate Marker

Undergraduate Markers are paid $20.97 per hour. To be eligible for a Marker position, students must be registered in a bachelor’s program at UBC Okanagan and posses the necessary educational qualifications.

Marker duties may include the following:

  • Marking assignments and exams
  • Helping facilitate discussions
  • Academic assistance to students in office hours
  • Assisting with the online learning environment.
  • Communicate with students through email.
  • ** MUST have basic knowledge the Internet, Word, Power Point, PDF documents, Canvas, etc.

Estimated hours of work:  6-12 per week

The number of available positions is contingent on Faculty budget and overall student numbers.

Application deadline: We are not accepting applications for Markers at this time. 

The apply for marker positions, applicants are required to submit cover letter, statement of relevant experience and unofficial transcript as one pdf document to:

We are not accepting applications at this time

Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistantships

RAs are employment opportunities for qualified students offered by faculty members with research grants and contracts. As a paid research assistant, graduate students assist their supervisor or other researchers in conducting high-level research, which often contributes to the student’s thesis or dissertation. Undergraduate students often work on projects with faculty researchers. RAs are not guaranteed because they follow the financial cycles of the supervisor’s and faculty researcher external grants and contracts.

Current Positions

There are no current postings for student employment in FCCS. 

Francophone Social and Cultural Facilitator

The Student Social and Cultural Activities Facilitator for Espaces francophones UBCO will be part of a dynamic team responsible for facilitating social and cultural events, as well as structured study group sessions on campus.

This is a Work Study position, to find out more and apply, please visit the UBCO Alumni & Students Job Board (reference number 834030).

Espaces francophones is a joint initiative between the Okanagan School of Education (OSE) and the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS) and aims to create a sense of community amongst UBCO’s French speakers.

Espaces francophones, une initiative conjointe entre Okanagan School of Education et Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, a pour mission de créer un sentiment de communauté parmi les francophones (de langue première ou autre) de UBCO.

Work Study

Working on campus is an excellent way for students to learn through doing, create strong connections within the UBC Community and develop professional skills required for life beyond their degree.


UBC Job Board

The student job board hosts hundreds of of employment and volunteer opportunities both on and off campus, available for students with a variety experience levels and career aspirations.

UBC Job Board

Interdisciplinary Co-op Program

The Interdisciplinary Co-op Program at UBC Okanagan offers you enriched educational experiences for personal and professional growth. Co-op Education partners with employers to offer work opportunities that will help you excel in both academic and professional capacities, and prepare you for your future career. Co-op work experiences are paid opportunities for you to gain employable skills, explore career options, and build a professional network – all before graduation.

Co-Op at UBCO