Major in Creative Writing
Course Planning
The Bachelor of Arts with a major in Creative Writing offers courses at all four undergraduate levels. Students can declare a Creative Writing major, minor or combined major at any time. This program has significant flexibility, particularly in the first and second year.
In order to complete a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Creative Writing, students need to complete 75 required credits, that includes BA requirements and major requirements, and 45 elective credits for a total of 120 credits.
Year 1
Students take introductory course in four primary areas: poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction and drama. CRWR students also take VISA 106: Introduction to Digital Media as a foundation course for further study, plus any 3 credits from Art History, Creative and Critical Studies, Music, Theatre, or Visual Arts.
Sample Year One
- CRWR 150: Introduction to Writing Poetry and Creative Non-Fiction
- VISA 106: Introduction to Digital Media
- First Year English requirement
- Language Requirement
- BA requirement OR Elective
- CRWR 160: Introduction to Writing Fiction and Drama
- First Year English requirement
- Language Requirement
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
Year 2
Students take at least one intermediate workshop in poetry or fiction, in addition to courses in English and Theory and Practice of Creative Writing to provide a broad knowledge of literary history and practice. Students can also use 3 credits from CRWR 205: Popular Fiction or CRWR 210: Power of Story towards their degree.
Sample Year Two
- CRWR 216: Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Poetry
- CRWR 260L: Theory and Practice of Creative Writing
- ENGL 220: Literature in English to the 18th Century
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
- CRWR 217: Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Fiction
- CRWR 205: Popular Fiction
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
Years Three and Four
Students take a minimum of two advanced workshops in creative writing including CRWR 380: Writing of the Short Story; CRWR 381: Writing of Poetry; CRWR 382; Topics in Creative Writing, and CRWR 384: Spoken Word. Students must also complete 12 credits from the 4th year professionalizing course which include: CRWR 470: Portfolio (may be taken twice for a total of 6 credits); CRWR 471: Writing of the Novel (6 credit year-long course); CRWR 472: Editing and Publishing; CRWR 473 (3): Writing and Community Learning; CRWR 474 (3): Writing with Media.
Other Requirements include 3 upper-level credits of ENGL or WRLD; 3 upper-level credits of ENGL in Canadian literature. 6 upper-level credits from ARTH, CCS, CRWR, CULT, ENGL, FILM, THTR, VISA, or WRLD. With permission, students may take an upper-level FREN, GERM, JPST, or SPAN literature course for this elective.
Sample Year Three
- CRWR 380: Writing of the Short Story
- CRWR 473: Writing and Community Learning
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
- CRWR 381: Writing of Poetry
- CRWR 472: Editing and Publishing
- ENGL 333A: Canadian Fiction
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
Sample Year Four
- CRWR 471: Writing of the Novel
- CRWR 382: Topics in Creative Writing
- ENGL 395: Popular Literature: Science Fiction
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
- CRWR 471: Writing of the Novel
- ENGL 458: Canadian Environmental Writing
- FILM 303: Narrative Film Production
- BA requirement OR Elective
- BA requirement OR Elective
Note: We recommend you meet with an advisor or program coordinator to decide which elective or BA requirement courses you take in each term as there are many choices available.
Minor in Creative Writing
To complete a Minor in Creative Writing, students must complete at least 30 credits in Creative Writing, of which 18 credits must be at the 300 or 400 level. Students must complete ENGL 220 or ENGL 221.
Combined Major with Creative Writing
A combined major is created by satisfying the requirement for a combined major in Creative Writing and another B.A. program that offers a combined major (currently Art History and Visual Culture, Cultural Studies, and English). A single course can only fulfill the combined major requirement for one program.
B.A. requirements, including the following:
- CRWR 150 (Introduction to Writing Fiction and Drama), CRWR 160 (Introduction to Writing Poetry and Non-Fiction);
- CRWR 260 (Theory and Practice of Creative Writing);
- 6 credits of second-year Creative Writing courses; and
- at least 70% (B-) overall average in second-year English and Creative Writing courses.
- 15 credits of 300-level and 400-level Creative Writing courses;
- 3 credits of third- or fourth-year English courses in Canadian literature; and
- 3 credits of third- or fourth-year English course in modern, contemporary literature.
Academic Advisor
In FCCS, we have a dedicated advisor for the programs and degrees that we offer.
Jessica Beck
Academic Advising, UNC 207D
250.807.9214 or 1.866.596.0767
The Academic Advising office also has a number of knowledgeable and helpful staff to assist you with all of your questions about your degree.
Creative Writing Program Coordinator
Anne Fleming
Professor, Creative Writing