BMS Course Planning

Course Planning

The Bachelor of Media Studies offers courses at all four undergraduate levels. This program blends practice, theory, and research methodology in the participating disciplines. Students take designated “core” courses from Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, and Visual Arts.

In order to complete a Bachelor of Media Studies, students need to complete 63 required credits,  and 57 elective credits for a total of 120 credits for the program.

The Media Studies (MDST) courses are designed specifically for this program, offering a streamlined set of computer science and critical thinking skills aimed at code-based art and design making in creative arts and digital humanities. These courses provide computer science components in the form of creative code development. The flexibility in the program with a wide range of elective course choices enables students to customize their degree for their optimum career placement or for further study in post-degree programs.

BMS program credits

Year 1

Students take introductory courses in media studies, digital media, digital humanities, visual arts and cultural studies.

 Sample Year One

  • MDST 110: Introduction to Computational Art & Design I
  • DIHU 155 or ENGL 155: Writing & Making with Technology in the Humanities
  • VISA 106: Introduction to Digital Media I
  • CULT 100: Media and Popular Cultures in Global Context
  • Elective
  • Visual Arts 090 (safety training – meets one time for four hours)
  • MDST 120: Introduction to Computational Art & Design II
  • VISA 108: Introduction to Digital Media II
  • FILM 100: Introduction to Film Studies
  • Elective
  • Elective

Year 2

Students continue courses in media studies, digital humanities and visual arts at the 200 level, as well as expanding their knowledge with creative writing and a choice of courses in history, art history, anthropology.

Sample Year Two

  • MDST 210: Creative Coding
  • CRWR 250: Screenwriting
  • DIHU 220: Research with Media in the Humanities
  • VISA 256: Photography
  • Elective
  • MDST 220: Computational Creativity
  • VISA 261: Video I
  • ARTH 202: The Critical Viewer
  • Elective
  • Elective

Years Three and Four

In  years three and fours, students continue to take required media studies and digital humanities courses at the upper level, and have opportunities to take electives to customize their degree with specific areas.

Sample Year Three

  • MDST 311: Computational Poetics
  • DIHU 301: The Self-Conscious Text
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • MDST 330: Immersive Environments
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

Sample Year Four

  • MDST 490: Seminar Series
  • MDST 499: Capstone Media Project
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • MDST 499: Capstone Media Project
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

Note: The above courses are samples only, we recommend you meet with an advisor or program coordinator to decide which specific courses or electives you take in each term, as there are many choices available.

View the Academic Calendar for the degree requirements and course choices.

It is possible to attend the BMS program part time and with a lower yearly workload, however you must contact the program advisor to consult about the best ways to complete a part time degree. Taking the program through a lower workload will extend the duration of the program beyond the standard four years.

Academic Advisor

In FCCS, we have a dedicated advisor for the programs and degrees that we offer.

Jessica Beck
Academic Advising, UNC 207D
250.807.9214 or 1.866.596.0767

The Academic Advising office also has a number of knowledgeable and helpful staff to assist you with all of your questions about your degree.

Media Studies Program Coordinator

Miles Thorogood
Assistant Professor