Undergraduate Courses

The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies offers undergraduate courses in Art History and Visual Culture, Chinese, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Digital Humanities, English, Film, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Media Studies, Spanish, Theatre, Visual Arts, and World Literatures.

All of the FCCS courses and descriptions to be taught in the 2024-2025 academic year, including Summer 2024 are listed below by subject.

Please note that the course schedule listed below is subject to change.

To register, you must login to your Student Workday on your registration day. You can start a worklist at anytime to plan out your year.

View the upcoming Academic Year Registration dates.

Summer Term 1

(May 15 to Jun 20, 2025), Courses are in-person unless otherwise noted.

  • CCS 320 001 | Interdisciplinary Ecological Art. Instructor: Tania Willard (Indigenous Art Intensive)
  • CORH 206 001 | Communicating Indigeneity. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley (Indigenous Art Intensive)
  • CRWR 160 001 | Introduction to Writing Fiction and Drama. Instructor: Umar Turaki
  • ENGL 112 001 | Studies in Composition. Instructor: Jenn Payson
  • ENGL 112 002 | Studies in Composition. Instructor: Saeed Sabzian
  • ENGL 150 001 | Introduction to Literary Genre. Instructor: Shona Harrison
  • ENGL 355A 001 | Studies in Backgrounds to Literature: Special Topics. Instructor: Jon Vickery
  • ENGL 109 001 | Studies in Composition (Enhanced). Instructor: Shona Harrison (two term course, online)
  • FREN 101 001 | Elementary French I. Instructor: Stephanie Tolman (online)
  • SPAN 101 001 | Beginners’ Spanish I. Instructor: Cynthia Hernández Garcia (online)
  • SPAN 201 001 | Advanced Beginners’ Spanish I. Instructor: Cynthia Hernández Garcia (online)
  • WRLD 158 001 | Introduction to Language and Culture: Modern Japanese. Instructor: Alwyn Spies

Summer Term 2

(July 2 to Aug. 8, 2025), in-person or online course delivery is noted beside each course.

  • CORH 321 101 | Personal and Professional Identity and Interpersonal Communication. Instructor: Joanna Cockerline
  • ENGL 109 001 | Studies in Composition (Enhanced). Instructor: Shona Harrison (two term course, online)
  • ENGL 112 101 | Studies in Composition. Instructor: Shirley McDonald (online)
  • FREN 102 001 | Elementary French II. Instructor: Christopher Gordon (tonline)
  • SPAN 102 001 | Beginners’ Spanish II. Instructor: TBC (online)
  • SPAN 202 001 | Advanced Beginners’ Spanish II. Instructor: TBC (online)
  • VISA 285A 101 | Public Art: Mural Painting. Instructor: David Doody (mural site TBC)
  • WRLD 388 101 | Modern Memoirs and History: China, Japan, and Korea. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 courses

ARTH 101-001 | Art History and Visual Cultures of World 1. Instructor: Nathalie Hager

ARTH 202-001 | The Critical Viewer. Instructor: Nathalie Hager

ARTH 301-001 | Critical Viewing Advanced Studies. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

ARTH 309 – 001/CULT 309/WRLD 309 | Performance Art Global Perspectives. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

ARTH 360B-001 | Selected Topics. Instructor TBA. Online

ARTH 370-001/DAHU 370 | Story & Image Across the Islamic World. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

ARTH 380-001 | African Art and Visual Culture. Instructor: Suzanne Gott

ARTH 390-001 | Indigenous Art and Visual Culture. Instructor: Suzanne Gott

ARTH 395-001 | Renaissance Europe in a Global Context. Instructor: TBA. Online

ARTH 391-001 | Latin American Art and Visual Culture Since 1521. Instructor TBA

Term 2 Courses

ARTH 102-001 | Art History and Visual Cultures of World 2. Instructor: Nathalie Hager

ARTH 203-001 | Global Contemporary Art. Instructor: TBA. Online

ARTH 315-001 | History of 20th-Century Art. Instructor: Nathalie Hager

ARTH 320-001 | Art in Canada 1900-1970. Instructor: Nathalie Hager

ARTH 375-001 / DIHU 375 | Encountering India: The Age of the Mughals. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

ARTH 385-001 | African Dress and Fashion. Instructor: Suzanne Gott

ARTH 396-001 | Seventeenth-Century European Art in a Global Context. Instructor: TBA. Online

ARTH 451-001 | Politics of Exhibition and Representation. Instructor: Suzanne Gott

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 courses

CHIN 100-001 | Basic Chinese I. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 courses

CCS 250-001 | Creative and Critical Art Theory II. Instructor: TBA

Term 2 Courses

CCS 150-001 | Creative and Critical Art Theory I. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

CORH 203-001, 002 | Communication in the Sciences. Instructor: TBA. Online

CORH 204-001 | Communication in the Humanities. Instructor: Anita Chaudhuri

CORH 205-001, 002 | Communication in the Social Sciences  Instructor: TBA

CORH 321-101 | Personal and Professional Identity and Interpersonal Communication. Instructor: Joanna Cockerline

CORH 331-001 | Social Writing: Studies in Multimodal Communication. Instructor: Anita Chaudhuri

CORH 400A-001 | Special Topics in Communication: Rhetoric of Science. Instructor: Saeed Sabzian

Term 2 Courses

CORH 203-101, 102 | Communication in the Sciences. Instructor: TBA. Hybrid

CORH 203-103 | Communication in the Sciences. Instructor: Saeed Sabzian

CORH 204-101 | Communication in the Humanities. Instructor: TBA

CORH 205-101 | Communication in the Social Sciences  Instructor: Anita Chaudhuri

CORH 205-102 | Communication in the Social Sciences  Instructor: TBA

CORH 216-001 | Communication and Media: LEGO® Building Systems. Instructor: Marie Loughlin

CORH 304-001 | Persuasive Rhetoric, Public Speaking, and Advocacy. Instructor: TBA. Hybrid

CORH 360-101 \ CULT 360 | Public Memory, Commemoration, and Identity. Instructor: David Jefferess

CORH 499-101 | Communication Capstone. Instructor: Jordan Stouck

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

CRWR 150-001 | Intro to Writing Poetry & Non Fiction. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 160-001, 002 | Intro to Writing Fiction and Drama. Instructor: Andrea Routley

CRWR 217-001 | Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Fiction. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 250-001 \ FILM 250 | Screenwriting. Instructor: Michael V. Smith

CRWR 310-001 | The Power of Metaphor. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 380-001 | Writing of the Short Story. Instructor: Andrea Routley

CRWR 381A-001 | Writing of Poetry. instructor: Margo Tamez

CRWR 470-001 | Portfolio. Instructor: Andrea Routley

CRWR 474-001 | Writing with Media. Instructor: Michael V. Smith

Term 2 Courses

CRWR 150-002 | Intro to Writing Poetry & Non Fiction. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 160-101 | Intro to Writing Fiction and Drama. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 216-001 | Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Poetry. Instructor: Michael V. Smith

CRWR 219-101 | Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Non-Fiction. Instructor: TBA. Online

CRWR 260-001 | Theory and Practice of Creative Writing. Instructor: Matt Rader

CRWR 384-101 \ CULT 384 | Spoken Word. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 385-101 | Writing for Children. Instructor: TBA

CRWR 470B-101 | Portfolio. Instructor: Andrea Routley

CRWR 472-101 | Editing and Publishing. Instructor: Michael V. Smith

CRWR 473-001 | Writing and Community Learning. Instructor: Andrea Routley

CRWR 475-001 | Preparing for a Career as a Writer. Instructor: Andrea Routley

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

CULT 100-001; 002; 003 | Media and Popular Cultures in Global Context. Instructor: Cameron Crookston

CULT 101-001 | Cultural Studies Practices. Instructor: Anita Girvan

CULT 101-002, 003; 004 | Cultural Studies Practices. Instructor: Maria Alexopoulos

CULT 210-001/ENGL 215 | Reading Screens. Instructor: Hoornaz Keshavarzian

CULT 215-001 | Cultural Industries. Instructor: Kyong Yoon

CULT 220-101/DIHU220 | Research with Media in the Humanities. Instructor: TBA

CULT 230-001/ENGL 224 | Reading Across Borders. Instructor: David Jefferess

CULT 250-101/ENGL 234 | Indigenous Literature. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

CULT 275-001/ENGL 250 | Interdisciplinary Theory and Method in Literary Research. Instructor: James Phelan. Online

CULT 303-001/FILM 303 | Narrative Film Production. Instructor: Denise Kenney

CULT 309-001/ARTH 309 | Performance Art: Global Perspectives. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

CULT 312A -001 | Internet Culture. Instructor: TBA

CULT 362/VISA 362-001 | Advanced Practices in Photography. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

CULT 371-001 | Modern Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary Methods. Instructor: George Grinnell

CULT 382/VISA 382-001 | Advanced Practices in Media Arts. Instructor: Myron Campbell

CULT 390A-001 | Environmental Justice: Media Studies and Popular Cultures. Instructor: Anita Girvan

CULT 390B-001/SUST 304 | Place-based Methods for Interdisciplinary Research. Instructor: Astrida Neimanis

CULT 437B-001/ENGL 437 | Postcolonial Studies: White Savior Complex. Instructor: David Jefferess

CULT 450-001/ENGL473 | Studies in Indigenous Literature and Criticism. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

Term 2 Courses

CULT 100-101, 102, 103 | Media and Popular Cultures in Global Context. Instructor: Cameron Crookston

CULT 101-101 | Cultural Studies Practices. Instructor: Anita Girvan

CULT 101-102, 103 | Cultural Studies Practices. Instructor: Maria Alexopoulos

CULT 210-101/ENGL 215 | Reading Screens. Instructor: Daniel Keyes

CULT 272-001/GWST 272  | Feminism and Environment. Instructor: Astrida Neimanis

CULT 272D-001/GWST 272D  | Feminism and Environment. Instructor: Astrida Neimanis

CULT 275-101/ENGL 250 | Interdisciplinary Theory and Method in Literary Research. Instructor: George Grinnell

CULT 303-001/FILM 303 |  Narrative Film Production. Instructor: Denise Kenney

CULT 312A-001/DIHU 312A | Internet Culture. Instructor: TBA. Online

CULT 317-001/FILM 371 | Digital Documentary Production. Instructor: TBA

CULT 351-001/ENGL 385 | Settler Studies, Literature, and Culture. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

CULT 360-101 | Public Memory, Commemoration, and Identity. Instructor: David Jefferess

CULT 362B-002/VISA 362 | Advanced Practice in Photography. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

CULT 382B-002/VISA 382 | Advanced Practice in Media Arts. Instructor: TBA

CULT 384-101/CRWR 384 | Spoken Word. Instructor: TBA

CULT 400L-101?ENGL 493G | Topics in Popular Culture: Punk Pedagogy. Instructor: George Grinnell

CULT 400M-101 | Topics in Popular Culture: Adolescence. Instructor: Maria Alexopoulos

CULT 400N-101 | Drag Pop Culture. Instructor: Cameron Crookston

CULT 406 101/DIHU 406 | Digital Afterlives: Ephemeral Cancon. Instructor: Daniel Keyes

CULT 411-002/THTR 411 | Performance Studies. instructor: Virginie Magnat

CULT 460-101/ENGL 457 | Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies. Instructor: Jodey Castricano

CULT 490B-001 | Topics in Identities and Power. Instructor: TBA

CULT 491-101/ENGL 491 | Black Intellectual Traditions. Instructor: Sakiru Adebayo

CULT 499-101/ENGL 394J | Community-Engaged Research in Cultural Studies. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

DIHU 155-001/ENGL 155 | Writing and Making Technology in the Humanities. Instructor: Matthew Davis

DIHU 220-101/CULT220 | Research with Media in the Humanities. Instructor: TBA. Online

DIHU 312A-001/CULT 312A | Internet Culture. Instructor: TBA. Online

DIHU370-001/WRLD 370/ARTH370 | Story and Image Across the Islamic World. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

Term 2 Courses

DIHU 155-101/ENGL155 | Writing and Making Technology in the Humanities. Instructor: Matthew Davis

DIHU 312A-001/CULT 312A | Internet Culture. Instructor: TBA.

DIHU 375-001/ARTH 375 | Encountering India: The Age of the Mughals. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

DIHU 406-101/CULT 406 | Digital Afterlives: Ephemeral Cancon. Instructor: Daniel Keyes

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

ENGL 104-001 | University Writing: Indigenous Perspectives. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley

ENGL 109 | Studies in Composition (Enhanced).  (full year course)

  • multiple sections offered

ENGL 112 | Studies in Composition.

  • multiple sections offered

ENGL 114-001 | Studies in Composition: Indigenous Perspectives. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley (online)

ENGL 151-001 | Critical Studies in Literature. Instructor: Lisa Grekul

ENGL 150 | Introduction to Literary Genre.

  • multiple sections offered

ENGL 153 | Readings in Narrative. | Instructor: George Grinnell

ENGL 155-001/DIHU 155 | Writing and Making Technology in the Humanities. Instructor: Matthew Davis

ENGL 156-001; 002 | Environmental Literature. Instructor: TBA

ENGL 203-00 | Topics in Composition: Instructor: Melissa Jacques

ENGL 203- 002; 003 | Topics in Composition: Instructor: Jennifer Payson

ENGL 212-001 | Children’s Literature. Instructor: Jon Vickery

ENGL 215-001/CULT 210 | Reading Screens. Instructor: Hoornaz Keshavarzian

ENGL 220-001 | Foundations: Literature in Historical Context.

ENGL 224-001/CULT 230-001 | Foundations: Reading Across Borders. Instructor: David Jefferess

ENGL 234-101/CULT 250-101 | Foundations: Indigenous Literature. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

ENGL 250-001/CULT 275 | Foundations: Interdisciplinary Theory and Method in Literary Research. Instructor: James Phelan. Online

ENGL 309A-001/CULT 371 | Modern Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary Methods. Instructor: George Grinnell

ENGL 339-001 | American Literature from the Civil War to WWI. Instructor: Paul Milton

ENGL 349C-001 | Race and Gender in 17th-Century Literature. Instructor: Margaret Reeves

ENGL 350C-001 | 16th- and 17th-Century Studies: Autobiographical Poetry. Instructor: Marie Loughlin

ENGL 353-001 | Shakespeare: Later Works. Instructor: TBA

ENGL 391-001 | Afropolitan Literature. Instructor: Sakiru Adebayo

ENGL 394B-001/ENGL 395I-001 | Popular Literature: Tolkien. Instructor: Marie Loughlin

ENGL 437B-001/CULT 437B | | Postcolonial Studies: White Savior Complex. Instructor: David Jefferess

ENGL 459C-001 | Major Authors of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Instructor: Jennifer Gustar

ENGL 473-001/CULT450 | Studies in Indigenous Literature and Criticism. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

ENGL 493-001 | Topics in Popular Culture. Instructor: Melissa Jacques

Term 2 Courses

ENGL 112 | Studies in Composition.

  • multiple sections offered

ENGL 114-101 | Studies in Composition: Aboriginal Perspectives. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley

ENGL 150 | Introduction to Literary Genre.

  • multiple sections offered

ENGL 151-101 | Critical Studies in Literature. Instructor: Lisa Grekul

ENGL 153-101 | Readings in Narrative. Instructor: George Grinnell

ENGL 155-101/DIHU 155 | Writing and Making Technology in the Humanities. Instructor: Matthew Davis

ENGL 202-101/INDG 202 | Okanagan Syilx Literatures: Concepts and Frameworks. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley

ENGL 203A-101 | Topics in Composition. Instructor: Melissa Jacques

ENGL 203A-102; 103 | Topics in Composition. Instructor: Jenn Payson

ENGL 212-101 | Children’s Literature. Instructor: Jon Vickery

ENGL 215-101/CULT 210 | Reading Screens. instructor: Daniel Keyes

ENGL 221-101, 102 | Foundations: Literature in Historical Context. Instructor: Jennifer Gustar

ENGL 239-101 | The Bible in English Literature. Instructor: Todd Statham

ENGL 250-101/CULT275 | Foundations: Interdisciplinary Theory and Method in Literary Research. Instructor: George Grinnell

ENGL 291-101 | African Literary Canon. Instructor: Sakiru Adebayo

ENGL 333E-001 | Canadian Fiction. Instructor: Lisa Grekul

ENGL 337-101 | American Literature between the Wars. Instructor: Paul Milton

ENGL 344B-101 | Medieval Studies: Malory’s Le Morte Darthur. Instructor: Sean Lawrence

ENGL 352-101 | Shakespeare: Earlier Works. Instructor: TBA

ENGL 357-101 | Restoration Drama and Culture. Instructor: Robert Eggleston

ENGL 385-001/CULT 351 | Settler Studies, Literature, and Culture. Instructor: Allison Hargreaves

ENGL 394J-101/CULT 499 | Community-Engaged Research in Cultural Studies. Instructor: Kerrie Charnley

ENGL 395H-101 | Popular Literature. Instructor: Jon Vickery

ENGL423A-101 | Approaches to 16th- and/or 17th-Century Literature: Faerie Queen. Instructor: Marie Loughlin

EGNL 457-101/CULT 460 | Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies. Instructor: Jodey Castricano

ENGL 491-101/CULT 491 | Black Intellectual Traditions. Instructor: Sakiru Adebayo

ENGL 493G-101/CULT 400L | Topics in Popular Culture: Punk Pedagogy. Instructor: George Grinnell

ENGL 493M-101/CULT 400M-101 | Topics in Popular Culture: Adolescence. Instructor: Maria Alexopoulos

ENGL 493N-101/CULT 400N-101 | Drag Pop Culture. Instructor: Cameron Crookston

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

FILM 103-001/THTR 103 | Acting for Stage and Screen. Instructor: Denise Kenney

FILM 250-001/CRWR 250 | Workshop in Creative Writing: Screenwriting. Instructor: Michael V. Smith

FILM 261-001/VISA 261 | Video 1. Instructor: TBA

FILM 303-001/CULT 303 |  Narrative Film Production. Instructor: Denise Kenney

Term 2 Courses

FILM 100-001 | Introduction to Film Studies. Instructor: Denise Kenney

FILM 103-001/THTR 103 | Acting for Stage and Screen. Instructor: Tracy Ross

FILM 271-101/VISA 271 | Video II. Instructor: TBA

FILM 371-001/CULT 371B | Digital Documentary Production. Instructor: TBA

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

FREN 101 | Elementary French I

  • Section 001 Instructor: Stephanie Tolman
  • Section 002; 003 Instructor: Christopher Gordon
  • Section 004 Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel (online)
  • Section 005 Instructor: Jelena Jovicic

FREN 103 | Upper Elementary French I.

  • Section 001 Instructor: Christopher Gordon
  • section 003 Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel (online)

FREN 122-001; 002 | Contemporary French Language and Literature 1. Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel

FREN 221-001 | Francophone Literature and Textual Analysis. Instructor: TBA

FREN 222-001 | Studies in French Language and Style I. Instructor: Stephanie Tolman

FREN 330-001 | Quebecois Literature. Instructor: Francis Langevin

FREN 344-001 | Techniques of Oral Expression in French I. Instructor: Francis Langevin

FREN 353-001 | French Grammar. Instructor: Ramine Adl

FREN 420D-001 | Selected Topics in French Literature and Culture: Women in Literature. Instructor: Jelena Jovicic

Term 2 Courses

FREN 102 | Elementary French II.

  • Section 102 Instructor: Stephanie Tolman
  • Section 103 Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel

FREN 104 | Upper Elementary French II

  • Section 101 Instructor: Stephanie Tolman
  • Section 102 Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel

FREN 123-101 | Contemporary French Language and Literature II. Instructor: Alexandra Tonnel

FREN 215-001 | Second-Year Oral French Practice II. Instructor: TBA

FREN 223-001 | Studies in French Language and Style II. Instructor: Stephanie Tolman

FREN 355-001 | Advanced Composition. Instructor: Francis Langevin

FREN 430-101 | Quebecois Poetry. Instructor: Francis Langevin

FREN 444-001 | French for Work: Professional Oral Performance. Instructor: Marianne Legault

FREN 461-101 | 17th- and 18th-Century French Comedy. Instructor: Marianne Legault

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

GERM 100-100; 002 | Beginners’ German I. Instructor: Claude Desmarais

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

JPST 100-001; 002 | Beginning Japanese Language I. Instructor: Mayu Takasaki

JPST 370-001 | Japanese Food and Culture. Instructor: Mayu Takasaki

Term 2 Courses

JJPST 100-101 | Beginning Japanese Language I. Instructor: Mayu Takasaki

JPST 101-101 | Beginning Japanese Language II. Instructor: Mayu Takasaki

JPST 354-001 | Introduction to Japanese Cinema. instructor: Nina Langton

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

KORN 100-001 | Basic Korean I. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

Term 2 Courses

KORN 100-101 | Basic Korean I. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

MDST 110-001 | Intro to Computational Art & Design 1. Instructor: TBA

MDST 210-001 | Creative Coding. Instructor: Miles Thorogood

MDST 311-001 | Computational Poetics. Instructor: Miles Thorogood

MDST 490-001 | Seminar Series. Instructor: Megan Smith

Term 2 Courses

MDST 101-101 | Digital Media Theory. Instructor: Annie Wan

MDST 120-001 | Intro to Computational Art & Design 2. Instructor: TBA

MDST 220-001 | Computational Creativity. Instructor: Annie Wan

MDST 330-001 | Immersive Environments. Instructor: Miles Thorogood

MDST 490-001 | Seminar Series. Instructor: Megan Smith

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

SPAN 101 | Beginners’ Spanish I

  • Section 001; 002 Instructor: Cynthia Hernandez Garcia
  • Section 003; 004; 005; 006; 007; 008 Instructor: TBA

SPAN 201 | Advanced Beginners’ Spanish I.

  • Section 001; 002; 003; 004 Instructor: TBA

SPAN 301-001 | Intermediate Spanish I. Instructor: Cynthia Hernandez Garcia

SPAN 303-001 | Conversational Spanish. Instructor: Diana Carter

SPAN 401-001 | Advanced Spanish I. Instructor: Monica Good

SPAN 419-001 | Introduction to Translation and Interpretation from Spanish to English. Instructor: Monica Good

Term 2 Courses

SPAN 102 | Beginners’ Spanish II.

  • Section 001; 002; 003; 004; 006 Instructor: TBA
  • Section 005 Instructor: Cynthia Hernandez Garcia

SPAN 202-001 | Advanced Beginners’ Spanish II.

  • Section 001; 002; 003 Instructor: TBA

SPAN 302-001 | Intermediate Spanish II. Instructor: Cynthia Hernandez Garcia

SPAN 402-001 | Advanced Spanish II. Instructor: Cynthia Hernandez Garcia

Term 1 Courses

SUST 104-001 | Introduction to Environmental Humanities. Instructor: Greg Garrard

SUST 304-001/CULT 390B-001 | Place-based Methods for Interdisciplinary Research. Instructor: Astrida Neimanis

Term 2 Courses

SUST 204-001/THTR 204 | Creative Communication and Engagement. Instructor: Denise Kenney

FCCS supports the Environmental Humanities Concentration in the Bachelor of Sustainability Degree.

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

THTR 101-001 | Performance Improvisation. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 103-001/FILM 103 | Acting for Stage and Screen. Instructor: Denise Kenney

THTR 104-001 | The Art of Public Speaking. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 180-001 | Theatre Appreciation: The Power of Live Performance. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 303-001/CULT 303 | Narrative Film Production. Instructor: Denise Kenney

THTR 309-001/ARTH 309 | Performance Art: Global Perspectives. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

Term 2 Courses

THTR 103-001/FILM 103 | Acting for Stage and Screen. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 104-101 | The Art of Public Speaking. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 204-001/SUST 204 | Creative Communication and Engagement. Instructor: Denise Kenney

THRE 212-101 | Creativity as Source & Resource. Instructor: Tracy Ross

THTR 304-001/WRLD304 | World Theatre and Cultural Performance. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

THTR 384-101/CRWR 384 | Spoken Word. Instructor: TBA

THTR 411-002/CULT 411/WRLD 411 | Performance Studies. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

*All courses are in-person unless otherwise noted. Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

VISA 102 | Drawing & 2D Art Practices I

  • Section 001; 002 Instructor: Katherine Pickering
  • Section 003 Instructor: TBA

VISA 104 | Three-Dimensional Art Practice I.

  • Section 001; 002 Instructor: Renay Egami

VISA 106-001 | Introduction to Digital Media I. Instructor: TBA

VISA 137-001 | Introduction to Art. instructor: David Doody. Online

VISA 215-001 | Painting I.

  • Section 001; 002 Instructor: Katherine Pickering

VISA 233-001 | Printmaking: Screenprinting I. Instructor: Briar Craig

VISA 235-001 | Sculpture I. Instructor: TBA

VISA 244-001 | Photography I. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

VISA 255-001 | Printmaking: Linocut and Letter Press. Instructor: Briar Craig

VISA 261-001/FILM 261 | Video 1. Instructor: TBA

VISA 268-001, 002 | Strategies in Digital Art: Visual Communication. Instructor: Myron Campbell

VISA 282-001 | Drawling III. Instructor: TBA

VISA 300W-001 | Advanced Practice in Drawing. Instructor: Aleksandra Dulic

VISA 312A-001 | Advanced Practice in Painting. Instructor: Shawn Serfas

VISA 322A-001 | Advance Practice in Sculpture. Instructor: Samuel Roy-Bois

VISA 336-001 | Advanced Practices in Printmaking. Instructor: TBC

VISA 362W-001/CULT 362 | Advanced Practices in Photography. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

VISA 382W-001/CULT 382 | Advanced Practices in Media Arts. Instructor: Myron Campbell

VISA 482 | Advanced Art Practices I  Instructors: David Doody

Term 2 Courses

VISA 103| Drawing & 2D Art Practices II

  • Section 001 Instructor: Katherine Pickering
  • Section 101 Instructor: David Doody

VISA 105 | Three-Dimensional Art Practice II.

  • Section 001; 002 Instructor: Renay Egami

VISA 108-001 | Introduction to Digital Media II. Instructor: TBA

VISA 225-001 | Painting II. Instructor: Katherine Pickering

VISA 245-001 | Sculpture II. Instructor: TBA

VISA 253-001 |Printmaking: Screenprinting II. Instructor: Briar Craig

VISA 254-001 | Printmaking: Etching & Lithography. Instructor: Briar Craig

VISA 256-001 | Photography II. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

VISA 266-001, 002 | 2D Animation Instructor: TBA

VISA 269-001 | Strategies in Digital Art: Virtual Worlds Instructor: TBA

VISA 271-001/FILM 271 | Video II Instructor: TBA

VISA 283-001 | Drawling IV Instructor: TBA

VISA 300X-001 | Advanced Practice in Drawing. Instructor: Aleksandra Dulic

VISA 312C-001 | Advanced Practice in Painting. Instructor: Katherine Pickering

VISA 312D-001 | Advanced Practice in Painting. Instructor: TBA

VISA 322C-001 | Advance Practice in Sculpture. Instructor: TBA

VISA 336-001 | Advanced Practices in Printmaking. Instructor: TBA

VISA 362X-001/CULT 362 | Advanced Practices in Photography. Instructor: Andreas Rutkauskas

VISA 382A-001/CULT 382 | Advanced Practices in Media Arts. Instructor: Myron Campbell

VISA 382X-001/CULT 382 | Advanced Practices in Media Arts. Instructor: TBA

VISA 483 | Advanced Art Practices II. Instructors: David Doody

Please note that the course schedule is subject to change. 

Term 1 Courses

WRLD 100-001 | A World History of Horror. Instructor: Francisco Peña

WRLD 150-001 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

WRLD 150-002 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Instructor: Alwyn Spies. Online

WRLD 158-001 | Introduction to Language and Culture: Modern Japanese. Instructor: Alwyn Spies. Online

WRLD 309-001/CULT 309/ARTH 309 | Performance Art Global Perspectives. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

WRLD 340-001 | Tales of Resistance: Indigenous Voices in Central America. Instructor: Monica Good

WRLD 351-001 | Mediterranean World in Cinema and Literature. Instructor: Francois Gauthier

WRLD 370-001/ARTH370/DIHU370 | Story and Image Across the Islamic World. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

Term 2 Courses

WRLD 150-101 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Instructor: Alwyn Spies. Online

WRLD 158-101 | Introduction to Language and Culture: Modern Japanese. Instructor: Alwyn Spies. Online

WRLD 200-001 | Introduction to World Literatures. Instructor: Francisco Peña

WRLD 304/THTR 304-001 | World Theatre and Cultural Performance. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

WRLD 310-001 | Mythologies in Motion. Instructor: Francisco Peña

WRLD 375-001/ARTH 375 | Encountering India: The Age of the Mughals. Instructor: Hussein Keshani

WRLD 382-001 | Cross-cultural Travel Narratives. Instructor: Meilan Ehlert

WRLD 411-002/CULT 411/THTR 411 | Performance Studies. Instructor: Virginie Magnat

WRLD 428-101 | Anti-Semitism: Then and Now. Instructor: TBA. Online

Student Advising

The Academic Advising office has a number of knowledgeable and helpful staff to assist you with all of your questions about planning your degree.

Student Advising

Declaring Your Major

Students are encouraged to declare their major at the end of their first year of their bachelor degree.

Declaring Your Major

Program Coordinators & Subject Area Advisors

Connect with an FCCS Program Coordinator or Area Advisor to talk about questions about course advising and declaring your major.